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[Residence] Plugin Suggestion, would result in a second option to Towny.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by _Bilby, Mar 26, 2018.


Residence Plugin?

Poll closed Apr 5, 2018.
  1. Nah I'll pass. Everyone should stick with a town

  2. Yes! People should have a choice of how they play, and I wan't to use my sharpness 9 stick please!

  1. _Bilby

    _Bilby New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Only been on this server for one week, and I have to say, it's amazing! Since I can see myself plaything for days to come I thought this server would benefit greatly with the Residence Plugin.

    What is Residence?, Residence allows players to define protected areas for themselves, by using a wooden axe to set out there desired layout. It gives players the option to find a place to settle, without being griefed. Like me, I don't want to join a town, I want to be a lone wolf.

    You can invite other players to your residence.
    Some useful features include.

    Warping to the desired residence with, /res tp [name of residence]
    Able to choose the desired vertical size of your residence
    Able to choose the define the protected land.
    Able to set land to PVP.
    A good place to set up shops.
    Chat System

    Exploring the world, I've encountered many abandoned and griefed buildings:
    Many used for big farms, while others are for just a home to stay. With Towny being the only option, it makes building outside in the wilderness the riskier.

    Keep Towny too! This is just another option.
    Towny has the community part of protecting your town. Gives taxing and plots ruled by a mayor. Organized taxes gives players something to strive for.

    Why Residence for this Server?
    To be honest with you 16x16 unchangeable plot sizes are a bit restrictive. With residence, protected areas aren't restricted, so you can build as big as you want. (You can change the max limit to 60x60 or something like that in the configs)

    With differing plot sizes and more customizability for building, towns would look a lot more complex and less like Barcelona. Example:

    Protecting roads, with 2x30 plot protection would be nice.

    Suggestions for the Owner
    If possible I would recommend at the start, users are able to create up to 3-5 residences. If possible, using the rank system, you can give the players more residences with higher ranks. Giving them more incentive to play.

    This server is amazing! And it could be even more amazing with the Residence plugin. Giving players who want to play with a small group or go lone wolf, a system to protect their structures from griefers. Towns would look so much cooler with defined protected areas. Bigger and Bolder structures, but it comes at a cost for mayors. No Plot Taxes or Sales. There is still an incentive to use Towny, but there is also an entirely new incentive for Residence. Or maybe a bit of Both. PVP Arenas with large residence plots can be possible, giving players a chance to use their gear against something worth using! No MORE Barcelona Towns Please! Thanks for Reading!

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  2. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    I do not see the need in this
    Towny is fine.
    Differentcraft is a towny server and stays a towny server.
  3. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    You can make a small town with towny too.
  4. _Bilby

    _Bilby New Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    You can define your plots, 16x16 tiled towns don't give much personality to towns. Big mansions, in towns, aren't possible with towny. If people who play lone wolf. they have a risk of getting their creations destroyed. Why not have both?
  5. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Towny allows big mansions I personally have a huge ship built which I have fully claimed you just have to use more chunks or plots as they are in towny to claim everything
    Duckiegames likes this.
  6. Animefan0621

    Animefan0621 God of Ramen

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I feel like this would only cause trouble with Towny as there are already a number of /res commands. So adding the Residence plugin would only cause problems.
    Now you can get personal Towny blocks by using vote points and making a private town for your homes and builds. Trick is, gotta vote everyday as well as have money to upkeep your town.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  7. ShinyGem213

    ShinyGem213 New Member

    Nov 4, 2017
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    This seems like an EGG-cellent idea! This kind of reminds me of the classic Survival. ;)
  8. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I have Mutiple big mansions 2 big ships 3 skyscrapers and a castle so it is possbile :p

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