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False Ban: Kaiyu_ and Rflame1234

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Kaiyu_, Jul 27, 2018.

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  1. Kaiyu_

    Kaiyu_ New Member

    Jul 15, 2018
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    What is your IGN?
    Kaiyu_ and Rflame1234 (He isnt able to create an account)

    When were you punished?
    Today, July 26th 2018

    Who by?

    What offence did you commit?
    We were "Harrasing Players".

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    Our appeal should be accepted because we looking around in their town, they initially were asking for people to teleport to them for free stuff, so we did, after the giveaway was over we decided to stay and look around (We werent the only people doing this by the way). Also they were making false claims that we had been staying there for 2 days while in reality not event 24 had passed since their giveaway. In this rule ["You are allowed to be in other players towns, however if you are there for no other reason than to taunt players, or are needlessly upsetting them, you will be asked to leave"] we weren't taunting, nor upsetting them like I said earlier we were looking around. Later I got 1 warning and they told us to leave, so we left to the wilderness which was walking distance from the town, we "technically" did leave but yet we still got banned. My friend Rflame1234 set a home, then he was told to remove it so he did before the ban. Also the Admin was saying that me (Kaiyu_) was hitting them and her, which I wasn't neither Rflame1234.
    Additional comments.
    In conclusion we both think this ban should be either removed or shortened in length of time. We weren't harrasing/upsetting people nor we were resisting and not listening to staff. We both understand if we are not unbanned, from this point of view it seems unfair, but however in staff's point of view I would be sketched out. I just think that if you guys hear our side of the story or point of view if you want to call it like that, it will help to assemple this whole problem.
    Thank you for your time given to this appeal.
    ~Kaiyu , Rflame
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2018
  2. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    You weren't looking around, and you were needlessly upsetting them hence all the reports. You have yet to give me one good reason why you had to keep tp'ing back there, with an illegal set home, I might add.

    They asked you many times to leave. When I went there, in vanish at first, you were both wandering around the town, following people and hitting them (as I said and tried to explain in game, hitting people in fly even in non-pvp zones still knocks them out. This is blatant harassment and you had no reason to be doing it.) I then came out of vanish, and I too was being hit out of fly. You had MANY verbal warnings and a /warn - you chose to continue to harass them so they said they would be turning on pvp and we would kill you when time was up. So then you decided to start tping away and back to reset the tp kill timer. Again, using an illegal set home.

    In regards to the illegal set home, he had a chance to remove it, said he would, and yet you guys somehow magically continued to be able to tp back there. And guess what? He didn't unset it. Still there to this minute. Jordan will have to delete it since he's unwilling.

    You will not be unbanned. Neither of you were willing to co-operate or listen to staff, you were upsetting players, and being overall toxic to the community. And it's not the first time, you in particular have a very long history including a recent ban. If you don't read the rules and start following them, and respecting staff when they tell you to do something, you're going to end up with an even heftier ban.

    So far you've only contributed negatively to the community, constantly causing problems, and staff are constantly having to intervene with problems you create. We do not welcome these behaviours here, and you will not be welcome either if it continues. For those reasons, on top of your attempt to lie to excuse your behaviour, you will not be un-banned.

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  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    In response to what you edited:

    You WERE upsetting people because MULTIPLE people were reporting you. They told you this, I told you this, and you decided not to listen. That is your fault, and your fault alone. You had every opportunity to listen.

    You WERE resisting and not listening to staff, because you were told to leave and stop harassing them and you decided to ignore it and make excuses. You literally said yourself you got a /warn - that shouldn't been an indicator that you were doing something wrong and that you should probably stop doing whatever it is you're doing. You had every opportunity to leave, and stay gone, but you continued to come back and cause problems every time I left, prompting me to continuously have to tp back to see what you were doing.

    If you honestly believe what you added, then you need to learn to listen to staff or follow the rules on your own, because every bit of that is fabricated. Chat/command logs reflect this, and show you arguing with me over it.
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