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New 'Gem Seeker' Items

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aflakk, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Since I joined, the only way for people to get Dirty/Green gems is to get lucky through voting (recently added, daily chests) or by mining ores with a Gem Seeker. While this is all and good, it does add a benefit to those with Miner job over other jobs. What I suggest is to add some more 'Gem Seeker' tools that add the Dirty Gem gathering benefit while penalizing by only being given tools with Vanilla level enchants. Such items could be;

    Shovel - Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 4, Mending
    Has a drastically reduced Dirty Gem drop chance due to the availability of dirt/sand/gravel to be dug up with relative easy

    Hoe - Till 3, Unbreaking 4, Fortune 3, Mending
    Similarly reduced Gem drop chance since farms are endlessly renewable/easy to expand

    Sword/Axe - Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 4, Looting 3, Sweeping Edge 3 (Sword Only), Fire Aspect 2, Mending
    Same constraint as Hunter job - naturally spawned mobs only

    Fishing Rod - Trawler 5, Unbreaking 4, Lure 3, Luck of the Sea 3, Infernal Depths 3, Mending
    Feel as this could have a similar drop chance as the pickaxe, as Lure 3 is slow enough to match the speed of mining

    Gem Furnace - Efficiency 5, Unbreaking 4, Fortune 3
    Same drop chance as the pickaxe since each ore still has 1 chance to drop before being broken down, but has the added benefit of being able to grant gems from Iron Ore and Gold Ore when smelted into ingots. Could even be an addition to the Donator furnaces/shop

    This is just what I've thought of as some tools (and a furnace) that could be added to benefit some of the more Gatherer-like jobs get gems and not tailor them specifically towards being an extra Miner reward. If anyone else has a suggestion add it below and I'll update as I see fit.
    CoolJoe likes this.
  2. farleyeccles

    farleyeccles Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    yeah i got this pick and its utterly useless
  3. CrazyDad543

    CrazyDad543 Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    If you don't like it, then sell it. Remember it only gives you dirty gems when mining certain ore
  4. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    The pick is awesome, I got the investment back in a month. You just have to be active and mine alot.
  5. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, we appreciate it!
    Expanding gem seeker items is definitely an interest we have. We had a discussion on how smelting items for gems would work, and hopefully we'll be able to implement some new gem seeker items in the near future.

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