Hello. I would like for a moderator/admin outside of Muffin to review the logs of 2/25/20 around 6PM (est time USA). Around 5:45 I found a new town near an in construction outpost of mine. A player hit me once so I fled to a no pvp zone then proceeded to get my gear. I am vindictive and enjoy PVP. I teleported to the town, waited about 5 minutes (as instructed by rule 3), and killed the player and his friend later that day. (As you can view in the logs). The player lost his/her mind and demanded their items back. I was not going to give the player their items back for free. I like to sell items to make $ and pvp is a good way to do this so, I requested 13k. The player declined and continued to ask. I teleported to the player and returned several items (including all of the diamond tools and an EC chest backpack). With several mayors who do not enjoy me reprimanding me and calling me rude, I was a bit stern and annoyed, however, I do not believe I broke any rules. This is a PVP server. The player claimed I was hacking and was cheating, that they were going to report me I told them to go ahead. I was informed Muffin would be online to "talk to me ", I had to go to work so I left my SC and discord for Muffin to message me. Muffin never messaged me and instead gave me a 3-day ban for being "toxic" I never got to speak with Muffin, instead I was instantly given a ban without explaining things from my side. I apologize if I came across as rude or disrespectful. I would like to resume playing as soon as possible. Thank you. -Claudia
Bruno0929, please follow the appeals format found here: https://differentcraft.net/forums/threads/appeals-format.7/