What is your IGN? Bruno0929 When were you punished? 4/9 Who by? Muff What offence did you commit? "Ignoring chat requested to leave a town". Why should we accept your appeal? As Muffin and many others may attest I instantly leave upon request. I never saw a request to leave, nor know what this is in reference to or when this occurred. I feel this is not fair since I was never aware of the situation. I also have not recently camped in a town for more than 5-7mins which I stay far above the clouds. The only incident I can recall on this topic is last week a player asked me to leave (which I did) however, LifeLog remained flying over the town hunting me and the players accused me of not leaving. Perhaps I did leave the player just made false accusations? Additional comments. Please PM me, message me on discord for any of these events reoccur as I typically don't mind chat due to the toxicity. I feel a 12-day ban with no warning that I was aware of was very unfair as I always leave towns when asked.
Hi Bruno0929. We have multiple screenshots, chat logs, and player reports that show you were asked to leave and refused to do so. In your ban report, you actually admit to camping in these towns, and doing so when asked to leave is considered harassment. Multiple staff members also contacted you in-game asking you to leave, and you still did not immediately leave. This is also by far not your first offense involving harassment towards players, and stalking new towns.
Hi MC, As I stated I was never aware of this nor saw this in the chat. As clarified by Muffin camping is not illegal till asked to leave, which may have been asked but as the logs will show my chat was inactive. Also as I asked muffin killing in new towns is not illegal, only new players (which is interpreted not listed in the rules.) the confession “I camp” is because the rules say I have to wait 5minutes. would you mind publishing the logs please? I still think this is a excessive punishment. This is the first time I have been asked to leave and did not leave.