What is your IGN? Chrometheus When were you punished? 13th April 2020 Who by? Muffinity What offence did you commit? TNT Griefing. I found an unclaimed place with 3 houses. I checked each house that seemed to be abandoned until I suddenly found a person inside one of them and killed them. Being alarmed since they were fairly close to my town I got some TNT, flew back and blew up the upper half of the small birch house killing the resident inside. Why should we accept your appeal? I blew up a very minor part of an unclaimed house and zero locked chests were destroyed. For this I got a 3 day ban. I understand that there was a person living there and destroying their house was uncalled for, upsetting and against the rules. I will make sure that I fully understand the rules and use them to decide wether or not I can or cannot do something. Additional comments. I would like to make a point about two of the rules under the griefing section. They go as follows. "Raiding is permitted in the WILD only, and considered to be anything where less then 10 non raidable blocks have been broken. You can under no circumstances raid towns, even if their perms are on. Raidable blocks include; coal, diamond, gold, emerald, iron, redstone, and lapis blocks, all ores, beacons, anvils, hoppers, mob spawners, player/mob heads, enchantment tables, crops, banners, shulker boxes, item frames, furnaces, end portals, and unlocked chests." "Overclaiming abandoned towns or unclaimed builds are not permitted. If you alter, sell, or claim a build that is not yours without the owners permission it will be considered grief. In certain circumstances, staff will give you the okay to overclaim if they can verify the abandoned build is over 6months old." These rules combined are very unfair and make it almost impossible to raid. If you want a peaceful town all you have to do is claim your buildings, turn off pvp, turn off block breaking and then making sure you're active and paying for upkeep like every other town. I think it is unfair to punish people for raiding an unclaimed base when it should be the owner of the base's responsibility to make sure people can't grief it. They have all the tools to do this presented to them and having someone banned because of that is unjust. I feel like putting more responsibility on the owner of something essentially removes the need for the Overclaiming Rule and would avoid these kinds of bans. To further this with an example of my case; The owner of the house that I detonated has now claimed their building and turned of block breaking/building making it impossible for such an event to take place again.
Griefing, even when raiding, its not permitted by DifferentCraft rules. Areas claimed or unclaimed are not allowed to be griefed. You say the rules are unclear, and in your appeal you cited a few, but conveniently left out the one that is crystal clear: "The only world you are permitted to grief in is the miningworld." The raiding rules are quite simple, and have worked out fine for everyone else. You are allowed to raid any unlocked chests or confirmed raidable blocks in the wild. You are allowed to remove up to 10 blocks to get to those unlocked chests or raidable blocks. You are not allowed to completely destroy a person's base with TNT under any circumstances, claimed or unclaimed. These griefing rules are in place to protect player builds before they can afford to found a town, while still allowing for raiding to continue. Please fully read the rules next time.
I only blew up a small roof then got banned without warning but that's beside the point. I do have a question unrelated to this appeal. I am curious as to what would define as an unclaimed base that is protected against griefing. The only blocks that you can raid are about 20 that are listed. Can you technically say that a massive amount of unclaimed dirt and stone etc is your base and have those blocks grief protected, or is it limited to a certain area? I also wonder if towns can make such claims around the area surrounding them.
Griefing is still griefing. All bases that are not in the miningworld are protected from griefing. If it is a player's base it cannot be griefed. Town mayors have immediate control over all the land surrounding their town. Again, please fully read the server rules. You can find them here: https://differentcraft.net/forums/threads/official-server-rules.6/