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My Last Un~ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Denied' started by GAPPY_8, May 10, 2020.

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  1. GAPPY_8

    GAPPY_8 New Member

    Apr 25, 2020
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    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?
    The approximate day I was banned was 04/21/2020

    Who by?


    What offence did you commit?
    PVP TOWNY BYPASS with venom weapon

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    I doubt it will be accepted, as my first one has been denied, no worries as I have 10 days left of my ban. I understand I bypassed OGenderchic's town (beautiful town btw) which a venom weapon if I remember, and I understand now as that is part of the rules of the server, and should always be a part of the server. I also understand that breaking the rules also means that I hurt the community as well as the server helpers and admins, including the owner too. I was banned in 04/21 when the new world existed and I had a beautiful underground stronghold under my friends town, a few days after a hacker joined with a form of permission and not only wiped the worlds, but also took out spawn as well; this resulted in all of my existing goods to be wiped, resulting from 6 chests of decorations to a single chest filled with hard earned diablo drops. I wish to come back so I am able to rebuild not only my base, but to adjust and quick shape my actions as an individual, so an issue like this will never happen again. As I am an young adult and I should be acting like one as well. I also wish to come back as I want to show the community that I still in fact am good individual, and would not to come off as a toxic person who conducted PVP TOWNY BYPASS. Ill say again, if this ban appeal in fact is denied again, I will understand and will wait the remaining days and learn from the judgement I have received.
    Additional comments.
    I again want to apologize for the actions I have conducted, as well as breaking the law of the server instead of abiding by them. I want to apologize to any helper/admin friends I have, I did not intend on making my reputation bad, but I will work on it and improve it as sufficiently as possible. I apologize to the victim that I harmed, as she/he did nothing in retaliation, and thus this entire scenario I have done was poor judgement and childish on my part, and I again hope you see through my apology and understand, and if not, then I hope to make it up to the community.
    AdamSPA likes this.
  2. ModMCdl

    ModMCdl Viceroy of the Birschyde Fjord

    May 17, 2019
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    Hi GAPPY. It is unlikely that you will be unbanned with such a short time left on your punishment. While I could be wrong, and sometimes Jordan likes to surprise me, I suggest you wait out the remainder of your ban, and look forward to you coming back in a few days with a better attitude towards other players, and a hesitation to break or bend the rules in the future.
    GAPPY_8, AdamSPA and James like this.
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