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CheesDodo's Discord Unban

Discussion in 'Approved' started by MintySurvival, May 20, 2020.


Damn is /t spawn needhelp the best town or not B)

  1. yes

  2. yes but different

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  1. MintySurvival

    MintySurvival New Member

    Mar 11, 2019
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    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?
    No idea, around

    Who by?
    No idea, probably Jordan

    What offence did you commit?
    I wasnt given a reason, but I assume it was becuase I posted the "The Differentcraft Union Of Players" Discord link

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    Me and prawnsonastick were debating something in the differentcraft official discord server, we were told by several staff members to not "argue" in the discord because it could lead to "trouble", Despite neither of us resorting to insults or the likes, we then argued with staff on which way it would be possible to debate future opinions on Differentcraft's status as a server and how we could help improve it by giving feedback, we were told to either take it to Pms or Make a separate Discord Server for Debates, Seeing as the latter option was the most efficient way to get feedback, User Prawnsonastick made the discord server for future debating, inviting several members of the community including staff members such as Muffinity, who joined willingly and is still a member to this day.

    The Discord server "The Differentcraft Union Of Players" is currently abiding by most rules of Differentcraft, if future settings are to be implemented for it to be recognized as an official community server, please let us know to change it at the liking of staff, its meant to be a place to help better the community and the server.

    I have not done any other "warnable/kickable/bannable" offenses on the differentcraft discord, Ive helped (or atleast tried to lolol) several members of the community and given feedback on ways to improve the server, both minecraft server and discord server.

    Additional comments.
    Please make sure to read my appeal above, do not tag it as "lol he advertised"

    /t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp/t spawn needhelp :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
  2. MintySurvival

    MintySurvival New Member

    Mar 11, 2019
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    Despite my ingame ban id still like to be a member of the discord server and community. Thank you.
  3. Dark_cougar

    Dark_cougar Vaermira

    Jan 6, 2019
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