What is your IGN? Kobecoptta When were you punished? 2020/8/24 Who by? This information should be displayed on your ban screen and in the ban database. Samaelstar What offense did you commit? Please include as much detail as possible. The reason should be included in your ban. I guess I used a hacked client??!? Why should we accept your appeal? I was never using a hacked client, to begin with, and was never even told in what ways I was cheating, all I was doing was flattening out an area for my base... Additional comments. !?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You were using a hacked client, and you admitted it too. Staff has video proof - I don't appreciate your dishonesty.
[00:17:01] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§9You §f§l-> §9Moistsauce§f] §fwhat do i do to prove to him im not cheating [00:17:13] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§9You §f§l-> §9Moistsauce§f] §fhe thinks i am for some reason [00:17:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§9Moistsauce §f§l-> §9You§f] §fare you cheating? [00:17:32] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] niwan888_crk drowned [00:17:34] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] §f[§9You §f§l-> §9Moistsauce§f] §fall i was doing was fast bridging and lagged I admitted to it huh...
Hello kobecoptta. There isnt much to add, i've saw the proof of you building with bridge at big speeds and you admitted it to Moistsauce. Cheating is a big offense at our rules, so you will remain banned till the time expires. Thread closed, appeal has been denied. User will remain banned from the server till the ban runs out.