What is your IGN? WHITEHAMMER10 When were you punished? 12/19/2020 Who by? Shyroz What offence did you commit? Griefing Why should we accept your appeal? I didn't realize that it was against the rules to disrupt or touch unclaimed lands that have player builds. I just assumed the players were no longer on the server and the builds were old. I've fully read the rules and won't make this mistake again. Additional comments. I have really enjoyed this server and don't want to have to leave.
Hi Whitehammer, I appreciate your honesty in this appeal, however we take any form of griefing seriously here at DifferentCraft, and you will remain banned for the duration of your ban. As this was your first griefing offence, and the grief was not severe, you received a 2 week ban which will expire on 2nd January. Appeal Rejected Many thanks, ~ Spookz