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Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Denied' started by al3c101, Oct 4, 2017.

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  1. al3c101

    al3c101 New Member

    Sep 3, 2017
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    Punishment Appeals

    We’re all human here. No robot’s allowed on the staff team. As such, everyone makes mistakes now and then. On top of that, we’re typically very easy going people! If you think a mistake has been made or that you were wrongly punished, or maybe you just regret your actions, you can appeal your punishment here.

    Please copy and paste the below format into your own thread and provide all the answers. If we end up having to look into things, the more information the better!

    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?

    Who by?
    wuphe , Duckie Games Neha

    What offence did you commit?
    I was mailing my wife "I'm glad <3" because she messaged me saying "I'm back <3".

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    I had no idea that mailing was against the rules when you're muted because I was replying to someone who contacted me first. I used the same method to contact wuphe a few minutes ago and he didn't tell me it was against the rules then.

    Additional comments.
    The warning I received by Duckie games for grief is unjustified he said I placed blocks when In fact I had no I placed only a single wool block in the wild part of the fence because I was stuck in a fence that contained chickens and I needed to get out and I destroyed the wool blocks after I got out. Also, I killed some chickens which were in the wild. they were surrounded by a fence yes but they were in the wild

    I received a warning from Neha about arguing with staff I did not argue with staff I asked her to provide me with proof that the items I picked up in the wild belonged to a player that was tp killed by someone else, after she provided me with proof I immedietly gave her the items that she asked for. If asking for justification is arguing Then I suppose I am guilty otherwise Id like the warning removed
  2. Wuphe

    Wuphe Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I told you to stop bypassing your mute by mailing me you once before, i did not screenshot it but Jordan is welcome to check the logs.
    Until then I will leave this here.
    Kee likes this.
  3. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    appeal denied thread locked
    User3051 likes this.
  4. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    You weren't warned for the message you claim to have been warned for. Wuphe warned you about sending him mail and told you to make your appeals/reports on the website, which you already knew. He's sent me screenshots of the messages between you two, and you were definitely bypassing, harassing him, and disrespecting/undermining other staff members.

    I checked with Duckie about the grief, and 2 other mods were present and gave him the go ahead to warn you who can confirm what you did was considered grief/harassment. You were pulling mobs out of peoples pens and then killing them in the wild, and destroying/placing blocks to do so.

    When staff tell you to stop arguing, you are expected to do so. It was a TP kill which staff are alerted to. If they tell you something has been done against the rules and are trying resolve it, you are expected to respect that. You refused to return the items until you were warned, and after you returned them you then asked for it to be removed. Unfortunately, that's not how warnings work. If staff have to implement a warning in order to get you to comply, it will not be removed. You had ample opportunity to co-operate, and refused. Choosing to comply only after being punished for not doing so is still an offence, and it will not be removed.

    As of late multiple staff members have had to implement harsher punishments on you due to your un co-cooperativeness and general slanderous behaviour to other staff members as well as players. I highly recommend you read the rules here and adjust your behaviour accordingly. Furthermore, twisting your reports and appeals in favour of yourself will not be tolerated. Screenshots from staff and logs provide sufficient evidence that you are and have been in the wrong. If you truly believe something is worth reporting and/or appealing, you will need to start providing sufficient evidence for your claims.

    Thread Locked.
    Kee likes this.
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