What is your IGN? Najlab3 When were you punished? Today at 11:19pm Sunday October8th Who by? Wuphe What offence did you commit? I was told I was hacking Why should we accept your appeal? I have speed on the boots I just got that's why I was running fast. I just got a pair of boots that had speed on it. And I have bad wifi I have permission to use my aunts wifi next door so if I dissapeared that's why I don't hve my own wifi. I brought up the ladder thing because that was the last thing I was doing before I got banned. So obviously i'm gonna think that's why I got banned. Additional comments. I would like to show you my boots to prove I have speed on them
As you can see by the picture here, the boots you were wearing at the time of the ban only had "punch one" and your ping was fine. https://gyazo.com/f9d7d8a34f76ea28b41178e7bc966b0a Denied. Thread Locked.