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Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Wuphe, Nov 6, 2017.

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  1. Wuphe

    Wuphe Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?
    11/5/2017 11:30 Pm

    Who by?

    What offence did you commit?
    Mute Avoiding On multiple accounts(owners decision)

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    I left the server before the mute was even given. So I had no idea that I was even muted in the first place. Second off, muting someone for saying "Ya cock lick" in chat? Seems a little drastic if you ask me. But that call isn't up to me. Third, why would the staff member at hand message someone else and not me? Asking them if I should be banned or not. Then telling said person I was not outside the rules? --->
    Doesn't seem to add up to me.

    Additional comments.
    edit - was just banned from the Discord for no reason?
    Esako and elly like this.
  2. SergeantDylan

    SergeantDylan New Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    Seems like you were throwing a tantrum and now you’re upset about the consequences
  3. Wuphe

    Wuphe Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Youre just mad you dont have a Veteran tag
  4. DaemonBeel

    DaemonBeel The Honorable Prime Minister of Rainbow

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Wuphe... you were one of my dearest friends so it was hard for me to ban you. Let me explain the whole event. You initiated by calling GarbleGox "n****" in chat. The chat rule is no racial slurs is allowed in main chat. As such, I warned you silently for that. Next, you got on another account "Nyssar123" and proceeded to call Diabetic and me who said "its the 6th on the east coast" a "cock lick". I personally don't care for insults thrown at me but insults are still insults. There is a rule stated to not disrespect players and staff.

    The call was confirmed with Jordan who said: "Ban him like any other player Daemon". I confirmed with Cov because I could not see you online. It was until you finally logged on your main that I got the confirmation to ban. You guys are always in the same discord room so it is very easy for him to transfer the message. I also didn't ask them if I could ban you, I asked if "you know I am required to ban you, right?" Nobody is above the rules, except for Jordan, and you were our supervisor so you should know this. You know I was always a friend but friends and conflicting actions are hard to deal with. Do not worry though, even though this appeal is rejected you are not permabanned. I personally think it's a good time for both sides to chill out. Perhaps you can visit me next time and we can share a drink or a meal.

    I didn't want it to come to this as well, but it is my obligation.

    I'm Sorry and Thank You for caring enough to write this.

    Appeal Rejected. Thread Locked

    P.S: I didn't ban you on discord so I don't know about that side.
    CoolJoe and redstonedesigner like this.
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