Dear DifferentCraft Community, Recently after what I find to be an abuse of the kick ability of donor ranks, I believe as even a donor, that the kick permission is removed immediately. I have been punished along with others for reasons that don't match the rules and certainly are invalid. In order to reduce the number of invalid kicks seen by these useful donors, I push that we remove the permission from them to prevent another play from receiving punishment. I state these grievances in an effort to eradicate abuse. I also wish that we try to remove these phony punishments from others. A fighter for the community, xeu100, Donator++
From what I can tell, you are only upset about the kick perms for the lord/lady rank because you have recently been kicked. When there was no staff online diabetic was telling someone not to swear but you didn't like that due to him not being a mod and told him to stop being a "mini mod" which is encouraging the community not to listen to elder players and was kicked for encouraging such behavior when staff isn't online. Once returning you harassed diabetic in global chat because you were upset and he kicked you again, I was immediately notified of the ongoing situation. The reason lord/lady ranks have the kick perms is to help regulate the chat when staff isn't online, because like everyone else we have lives outside of the server and cannot be online all the time. I kind the kicks by diabetic perfectly fine and it was not used with any such abuse in this situation. However, if you honestly feel like someone abused their kick perms on you I highly recommend you and your friends to not use toxic behavior towards said abuser like you have tonight.
I feel that no player that isn't trained should have such permissions. I feel only staff who are trained should have such power.
Most Lord/Ladies are elder players who are familiar enough with the rules. Some are even former staff such as Diabetic. DOnt use toxc language, tp kill or any other thing against the rules and you wont be kicked. Simple as that
Going off of that, some players in this community, especially some of the Lords/Ladies are well versed in both knowing the rules as well as being staff. Some of these Lords/Ladies are either former staff of this server; or like myself are former Owners/Admins/Mods of other servers. In the end it all boils down to a simple "Follow the rules and don't be toxic, and you won't have any problems."
I just think that staff (who are bounded by staff rules) should be staff, not the players who pay. A troll could get Lord/Lady and abuse it. I wasn't specifically stating Diabetic I was just stating that it should be a staff-only perm.
From my understanding, your point is that non-staff shouldn't have staff permissions. Only people who are trained should have the /kick perms, right? Lords/Ladies are dedicated players who want to support and help the server so its natural to give them some sort of power as thanks. They help regulate with staff isn't on. You say if a troll gets Lord/Lady, they can abuse it. Well, in that case, the server gets a free $70 donation and we can easily remove their power so they don't abuse it. First of all, I don't even think trolls are in their right mind will pay $70+ to just troll. In fact, I actually want to be able to see trolls do it so we can immediately remove their /kick perms. The server will get so much support then. In any case, we review all kicks done by a lord to check for abuse, and if there is evidence we remove it. I hope this answers all your concerns for abuse. P.S: Essentially removal of perms is not necessary.
Because of people like you who seem to constantly insist on starting issues and problems over things that aren't even issues or problems to begin with. You're upset you got kicked, too bad, if you had followed the rules in the first place you wouldn't have been kicked in the first place. Man(or Woman) up, deal with it, and move on already. Especially because this thread has already had TWO of the MODS tell you exactly why these perms exist, why they're implemented how they are, and why that's unlikely to change. For example, just tonight there was an incident of multiple people coming on the server and causing trouble/breaking rules while no staff were on. Several of us Lord donors were online however, and were able to resolve the issue by repeatedly kicking the rule-breakers/trouble-causers until they eventually gave up and left. This is the perfect example of exactly why us Lords should have these perms.
It would be better if they implemented a system where it wouldn't show up as a kick unless a moderator approved/declined it. Once again, all to prevent/stop abuse. I think that people should moderate even when moderators arent on. I draw the line when people act as if they were apart of the staff team and make decisions as if they were. They should've just punished said person. This is my reasoning.
"It would be better if they implemented a system where it wouldn't show up as a kick unless a moderator approved/declined it." - That would require a moderator be online for that. So... defeating the whole purpose since /kick is for times when mods aren't online. "Once again, all to prevent/stop abuse. I think that people should moderate even when moderators arent on." - So you are saying we should keep the /kick since people moderate when moderators aren't on? "I draw the line when people act as if they were apart of the staff team and make decisions as if they were. They should've just punished said person." - Lords know the rules of the servers, and it is pretty obvious when somebody is violating it. Also, YOU don't draw the line to see if people act as if they were a part of the staff team, WE the staff decide that line.
No, it kicks the person but doesn't show up in their history until approved/denied. I draw the me line on how I feel on the subject, and moderators can't tell me what makes me feel mad.
Oh yeah umm, Lords can silently kick, but usually, they don't do that because everyone already saw the chat when they do kick. I do like the approve suggestion though. However, it will be hard to do, and there will be more stuff to do. Ultimately we trust our players to hold power responsibly, so... Don't betray our trust! (^_^)b Thread Locked! (Thank you for your input)