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I was told to take it to forums so I am

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Blazingwither22, Jan 5, 2018.

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  1. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    staff should not hide in staff rooms in TS for hours on end and not be in main chat. “We are having a confidential conversation” is a sad excuse. isn’t that the kind of thing that should be taken to Skype chat?

    I was told staff weren’t supposed to be in private rooms other than for a quick conversation. They are supposed to be in main chat dealing with the MANY trolls that are harassing players telling them to “suck (another player’s) dick.

    They also need to chill when people talk in chat when snowflakes assuming what was said is about them when they have NO PROOF if it is or not. (It wasn’t this time but it could easily apply to them too)

    I was muted for instigating chat because Dragon thought a comment was about him and it WASNT (although it applies to him too) I was warned for other comments that had NOTHING to do with the events earlier in the evening but snowflakes thought it was.
  2. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Just my own two cents worth here.

    To be honest though; a player shouldn't be muted for something that isn't clearly and intentionally directed towards a singular specific person at the time which it is said.

    If I were to say "I disagree with the way this server runs and how its staff operates."; that's not specifically directed towards anyone in particular. Yet anyone who is or was staff could make the argument that it could apply to them; and likewise I could say that it applies to anyone I choose in particular if they happen to be staff.

    There's just not enough justification there to mute someone for saying something that potentially applies to multiple people; rather than doing so for something which clearly applies to a singular person in particular.
  3. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    It applies to you but WASNT directednor meant to be about you. It’s one of those “if the shoe fits”
  4. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Since this is appealing a mute or attempting to call out a staff.

    Here is my response
    My staff team are committed to confidentiality and privacy and the staff rooms are for this to take place.
    They may take as long as they need in any room.

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