I'm xStrawberryQueen (If you're wondering the reason for my username it's because I love strawberries--they're just cute and aesthetically pleasing to me. Calling myself "StrawberryQueen" is kind of a joke I took after this time when I was 12 and a sarcastic chick called me Divergent Queen after the book series because of reasons that are too petty to discuss. The 'x' before my name is like when you sign your name so it's like xStrawberryQueen because StrawberryQueen is always "already taken" as usernames lol) Idk how to introduce myself without giving too much away because I like my privacy, but also don't like keeping things from people because that's how assumptions are made! I turn 18 in June 2018, meaning I'm one of those seniors in high school that are literally a few months shy of being forced to be a junior because of the age requirements, which is also a shame, because it also means I will never get to sign my own permission slips before I graduate.. I like the color pink (<--almost that shade but in the peach/salmon/blush range) and the color mint (or turquoise). I'm a generally shy and extremely awkward person which is why I enjoy playing Minecraft because I'm more comfortable with the freedom of talking whenever I feel like it~ I love love love reading and books and music and baking and drawing and any creative thing you could mention because I live for dreams and often get told to think realistically, as if that's any fun--which also means I'm pretty terrible at logical things like science and math and basically life. But in contrast to that, I want to pursue a career in psychology because idk I just love learning about behaviors or why people/animals/living beings do the things that they do (being a shy person gives me time to observe these things). I'm usually very quiet in-game but irl I cringe at myself 24/7 because I'm so bad at gaming, but it's so fun that I don't care how many times I accidentally place my gem seeker into my portable trashcan (true story). I hardly ever rage quit or cause trouble because I'd rather sleep and cry my problems away than to face them head on, but it's almost 5am at this point and I'm beginning to write a novel about my life. If you want to know more about me (but why would you lol), just message me any time because I'm literally on the whole day except when I'm sleeping, at school, and on Thursday-Saturday because of work--ew. Writing this gives me anxiety. Thanks for reading this, if you did.
Hello! You seem like a good person I like the color mint and the color pink as well. ^-^ My favorite is like spring-time green or red.