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MrVoseer/potesty Teamspeak Unban Applea

Discussion in 'Denied' started by potesty, Jan 6, 2018.

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  1. potesty

    potesty New Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    What is your IGN?
    MrVoseer . Although I was either banned on Teamspeak under the name potesty or MrVoseer. My fellow builders were also wrongfully banned. Their names on teamspeak were 81st_Cpt_Karl, Ratboy and Exmarius.

    When were you punished?
    Around 9 pm GMT 05/01/2018 . Near new years too and after I just finished my tough exams .....

    Who by?
    I know Ruskio gave me egg when Jdawg and wither asked despite me having a cool conversation to other people. The admins were lied to and I did nothing wrong.

    What offence did you commit?
    I was permanently banned on teamspeak for "toxic, trolling, player harassment, sexist, racist" yet I had the egg tag for 10 minutes making me unable to talk meaning I was unable to speak. So how could I of done this while already having the egg tag I was given for speaking German in an english channel trying to teach someone some lines. All the charges are false and I will be more than happy if someone can actually prove it instead of just Jdawg ban mongering.

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    Because I love this server and the teamspeak is fun meeting people in my village. I'm trying to play and fit in but it is hard due to some cultural differences. I feel I can be an active and positive force to the server overall.

    Also I love this server and it means so much to me as a person and I struggle to sleep knowing I cannot use the teamspeak of the server I love so much.

    Additional comments.
    I'm innocent and if an admin wants I can talk in teamspeak and prove this over voice. I'm more than happy to debate this meanness.
    IndieHumbug likes this.
  2. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    You are a toxic troll who harassed everyone as well as your “friends”, especially Ratboy. You were “teaching” very inappropriate lines in German. I took German for 3 years in HS and hosted a German exchange student for a few weeks when I was in high school. Last year, there were 2 German exchange students at my son’s high school. I may be rusty but I remember some of the “naughty” words. You were “teaching” an impressionable teenager phrases that werenNOT even funny.

    One of your “friends”’said something like “I warned you” before ear raping the entire TS room. I yanked my headset off and my son who was across the room heard the noise.

    The bunch of you have continued to harass and bother and annoy Jdawg and myself after being told MULTIPLE times to NOT try to contact us again. I started recording the minutenany ofnyou came into the room so I would have proof of the ear rape and general toxicity. Those recordings have been forwarded to the admins. YounWILL NOT be unbanned.

    And for the record, I only need permission of 1 person in the room to make a recording. My son was one of those in the room and I can legally give said permission. Jdawg also said I could record if y’all came into the room.

    Have fun trolling other insuspecting people on other teamspeak channels.

    Buh bye!
    Duckiegames and JDawg like this.
  3. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Quite frankly, yourself as well as your so-called "friends" have been nothing but annoying and toxic teamspeak trolls. Ratboy especially is well known for toxicity and player harassment in teamspeak.

    I hope, for the good of the server as a whole, that none of you cancerous little cretins are ever allowed to return. Go find somewhere else to be toxic trolls, because nobody wants you here.
  4. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    I had a moderator review a recording sent to me by a clearly upset player.

    After getting a report from a player and multiple staff members about your group of friends ts behaviour I have decided to leave your bans at perm.

    In around 30 days you may create another appeal and it will be considered, but at this time you and your friends will remain banned in the interests of the players on ts.

    Upon saying all of this I may consider individual appeals on a case by case basis.

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