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Appeal with jordan against the name

Discussion in 'Denied' started by John, Aug 30, 2017.

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  1. John

    John New Member

    Aug 30, 2017
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    I recorded this and happened to be the time when the owner banned me for no reason what for whatever

    He is trying to get at me cos i put a video against his mods and i put the against him on youtube as well....

    The prove is... you don't like me on here... and just say so isn't off muting or banning me when i got prove

  2. Wuphe

    Wuphe Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    BlueJoker80, the staff team has had countless issues with you. Whenever you break the slightest rule and staff says something to you, you go off in main chat. I have been in game countless times when you have been involved with staff and in none of those times were you the slightest cooperative. Every confrontation usually ends with chat enraged and said staff member having to punish you for longer and longer. The staff team is concerned with your state of being so we think it is well that you take a break to reconsider your actions on the server.


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