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Wasn’t given a chance

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Blazingwither22, Jan 14, 2018.

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  1. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?
    9:15 pm est
    Who by?

    What offence did you commit?
    inraided Infinity which had fallen with a few friends and apparently I took more than 10 non raidable blocks (quartz). If she had said to me “hey you took more than 10 non raidable blocks, I would have said ok and given her back whatever blocks i took. I was not given the chance to do so. When I was raided and more than 10 quartz blocks were taken, the person was told by staff what they did and was given the opportunity to give them back to me which they did. Why was I not granted the same opportunity?

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    i was not given the opportunity to make the situation right as others have been in the past.
    Additional comments.
    I feel like this is retribution for me leaving her town and her seeing me there when I was letting Ruskio to back there to put something back

    I don’t feel like staff should hand out punishments when the infraction directly involves them.
  2. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    I'm going to go ahead and call massive BS on this ban. Given the precise co-ords from the screenshot and my own memory; I can fly and recognize that the building which was supposedly griefed was one that was built in majority large part, if not completely in whole by blazing herself. (Considering well over half of what used to be Infinity was also built by her using schematica, that's kind of important.)

    Under current rules and guidelines as long held true and passed down to the players by higher staff; the original builder of any build maintains all rights to edit, modify, destroy, or reclaim materials from their builds ad infinitum and into perpetuity so long as this server continues to operate. By sheer virtue of the fact that she was the one who built it; it's literally impossible for her to grief it. A player can't be banned for griefing something that they themselves built.
  3. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    First THANK YOU Jdawg for your comments as to the LONG standing rule that has been told to many people many times by staff.

    My second offense... let’s see I can remember being warned for town grief over 6months ago (I think) by Rose (I helped flatten the area next to my home trying to help clear a spot for more plots which I should have asked Rose first if she wanted me to.) If that is the 1st offense.

    I am curious as to what building is even in question. Where is this screen shot? If it was the Christmas spawn, no quartz was used there, it was iron blocks. Most of the houses I built I used concrete and not quartz, and I did not touch a couple houses (beconcerned is one) that had quartz because I know quartz isnt raidable (why not is another discussion entirely) and B I didn’t build it. I only took blocks from homes that I built with MY OWN resources. I would like to see the screenshot Jdawg referenced. Thinking about it now, was it the sugar cane Farm? That was my quartz that I had the right to take as I built it. And thinking back, I left a lot of quartz stairs there that I would like to go back to claim as again, it was my material.

    On another point it is difficult to know what buildings were what as the whole town was blown up by TNT leaving very little left anyway. I wanted very much to raid the shop building but I DIDNT as much as I wanted to because I know quartz isn’t raidable.
    JDawg likes this.
  4. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Yes it was the sugar cane farm, which you built. The screenshot is here and the co-ords listed in it are a part of the sugar cane farm. Which as I pointed out, you are the original builder, and therefore have the right to reclaim your materials. Making this ban completely unjust and directly against what has been told to players by higher staff for quite some time.
    Blazingwither22 likes this.
  5. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    This is a multiple offence town grief ban I would be pushed to give you a chance to return items

    You have had many problems with greif and you NEED to read the rules. As I would have expected from a ex staff member.

    I would personally deny this but I will leave the final decision up to the person who banned you @DreaLitAF

    All other mods can ignore this appeal.
  6. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    I also agree with @TheCleverDragon staff members do not ban off personal emotions
  7. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Also I would say from experience if you leave a town you’re plot gets cleared or claimed by the town for other players use if you contribute a build to a town it does not give you a right to greif it or reclaim your blocks after as you built it and Gave it to a town,

    Blazing you have built many things in my town and you have been paid for them if my town were to fall I wouldn’t expect you to get back your blocks, that’s just not how it works
  8. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    The issue is the fact that this ISN'T grief in the first place. She was the original builder of the structure. It was built with materials that SHE owned and provided. As such it is her RIGHT to take it down and reclaim her materials from it. That has been a long standing and widely known rule since the time when Rose was still admin. Are you @Kieranlb05 , attempting to go against that and tell us that players have no rights to the materials of structures which they build on this server?
    Blazingwither22 likes this.
  9. user6118

    user6118 New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Did blazing build the sugarcane farm? Yes, but it was
    built FOR Infinity, not personal use. It and all of the houses
    built by blazing in Infinity we town property and was built
    while she had the BUILDER RANK. She worked for my town.
    You cant just go tear down things you've built for other people
    just because you want the materials back.

    I remodeled the sugarcane farm, there is very little left of
    the original. The blocks that were taken were placed by me.
    So, taking that into consideration and the amount of blocks
    taken it is in fact grief and it was clearly not accidental as
    suggested with the context of the appeal. No one removes
    over 50 blocks without knowing exactly what they're doing.

    The other offence was you abusing your town rank by raiding
    my town residents, and I CHOSE to not have you banned for it,
    so of course i'm not going to give you a chance
    to "give the taken
    blocks back". this time You were staff, you know the rules.

    I feel I was actually pretty light with the ban, especially with
    the history listed under your name.

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  10. user6118

    user6118 New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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