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Ban appeal - YMF

Discussion in 'Denied' started by YMF, Feb 25, 2018.

  1. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?

    Who by?

    What offence did you commit?
    Disrespect of staff

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    I was ingame and accidentally went around the filter by saying: That tree is "f*cking" amazing. Bolli had built it. I got warned for avoiding the filter. Then I got a mute because I did it again. The mute was valid. Then after that I went to talk to Satans in party chat about LesbeanUnicorn. We said some bad words, but this was not in public chat. I have not insulted LesbeanUnicorn by saying anything personal against her. The ban of 6 months is weird in my eyes... That's rather a ban to get from advertising or using a hacked client. 6 months is a long time and I have a town to take care of. I am always good for the community and help a lot of people. I also do make a few reports a weeks about players to keep trouble outside.

    I hope you will consider this appeal from me.

    Additional comments.
    Lesbean, if you felt disrespected / harrassed: It wasn't meant that way and I feel sorry if it did. So i'd like to say sorry for doing that.
  2. SteenDeFenomeen

    Jan 31, 2018
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    I think YMF and Satans should both get an unban, because the things they to, everyone does, and YMF and Satans are two good guys, they ain't doing anything wrong, so i think they should get an unban!
  3. James

    James Active Member

    Jul 30, 2017
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    At this time I'm going to reject your ban appeal. You both were disrespectful towards a new member of staff. I Looked at the screenshots and from what I saw Satans was the worst but you were also involved. You can feel free to re-appeal your ban in a few weeks. Being disrespectful towards staff won't be tolerated, We aren't all robots and of course, some new staff will screw up. If you start a new job you can't be expected to do everything right during your training period. If you have a complaint against a staff member you could of easily message me or Kieran instead of being disrespectful.

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