With the (re)introduction of Diablo Shrines in the latest Miningworld reset, I've been thinking that it could be taken further to address some other suggestions that have been made. Since we know the End and Nether won't be reset or have additional worlds connected to the Miningworld, could it be possible to add more custom areas within the Miningworld to find. Similar to some of the dungeons generated in the New World, there could maybe be pockets created within the Miningworld that break the 'Overworld' theme, with small pockets of Nether or End-based blocks which can contain some of the rare valuables from that dimension - Nether areas have Glowstone blocks, Nether Quartz Ore, Netherrack, Nether Brick, maybe even a Blaze/Pigmen Spawner. Similarly, the End area could have 1 or 2 Shulker Boxes/Dragon Heads buried inside between all the End Stone and Purpur. Imagine how cool it would feel to be mining and find a Nether Fortress room sticking out of a lava pool, or stumbling across a buried End Ship in the Overworld (just structure ideas). I personally think this could be a viable compromise to those that are wanting the End/Nether to be reset because with each Miningworld reset, they'd have the chance to go out and search for these rare and valuable items without the server having to suffer with increased loads from having additional worlds added/reset.
A combination of nether/end/regular world would be amazing. Keep the end and nether thats there right now (people got stuff there) and make the miningworld with that combination. Though no spawners/shulkers etc should be there as that would ruïn the economy. Nice idea again, Aflakk
Can't really ruin an economy that isn't there. Shops that *try* to sell Shulker boxes have none in stock, and those with a large supply (like myself) are unwilling to sell theirs until there's a way to get them again. We know the End won't be reset or expanded, and all other suggestions never get a response (I'm in favour of them been added to the mall, but would even settle for them being same cost as Woven Backpacks from the Gemshop for those who don't want to deal with/risk their items with Slimefun [which is no longer being supported/developed, so it's all but a matter of time until it fails]).