A while back some additions were made to the Lord rank to add a Lady title for the female players, and recently after discussing with other players we saw that there were a few other titles which have female equivalents that don't currently have tags for. If you wanted to add them then I have shown what they would be below, if I have not listed an alternative then the title works already as neutral: Master - Mistress Cavalier Aristocrat Baron - Baroness Earl - (Countess already covered) Count - Countess Marquis - Marquise Noble Duke - Duchess Prince - Princess (Already there) General Royal King - Queen (Already there) Emperor - Empress Tzar - Tsarina Sultan - Sultana/Sultanah Inquisitor END OF REPOST A suggestion was made in the comments of the original posting that there could be a second titles page which features the female names, so as to not make the GUI too cluttered. The original post received a lot of support from players of both genders, and we all feel like it would be a great addition to the server
That mistress tag tho Also, while on the topic of tags/titles. It would be cool if we were able to display 2 titles at once, one ingame rank title (one you can buy with in game currency like Noble, or one that is acquired through events such as Landlubber) and one donator title (Lord, Donator, etc.). The title format would go [Donator Rank] [In-game Rank]. I think it'd give some recognition for those who donated but also ranked up their in game status. I guess it's not necessary, but I love the sound of [Lord] [Emperor] as a rank xD P.S. I'd also suggest a rename of the actual donator ranks (from donator to donator ++) because honestly imo they're complete trash and idk why someone would want that as a rank, other than for the color.
The concern with being able to display multiple titles, is that it will clutter chat. We've already gone through the process of de-cluttering it at a lot of peoples request, and especially with the longer titles, it may be too much. Especially for some of the longer available titles.