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Brother Andre, Stopping By to Say Hello!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Brother_Andre, Aug 26, 2018.

  1. Brother_Andre

    Brother_Andre Keep On Keeping On

    Aug 26, 2018
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    Hello all!

    I'm Brother_Andre on Minecraft (and a handful of other games), though I also use the name Cyrilgar (from my LotRO days). My real name is Alex; Andre's just a name I was given in school due to my size and "gentle giant" demeanor.

    Basically, if you ever need anything while I'm online, or if I'm on the Discord, you're welcome to message me. And I'm more than happy to do small jobs if needed, or would offer my services as a cartographer if you need a nice map made. Otherwise, I'm likely going to be found at the bottom of a mineshaft or tossing something together around my town.

    Looking forward to seeing you all in-game. All the best!

    Brother Andre
    User3051 likes this.
  2. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Hey there! Welcome to the server (and forums). Glad to see you join the community, if you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to contact myself or other staff!
    Brother_Andre likes this.
  3. CringyPanda820

    CringyPanda820 DaKingNamedPanda

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Welcome to the server Seeing how u reported youself i can tell you have honesty and I hope I see you in the server
    Brother_Andre likes this.

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