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Server Discord Suggestions

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Brother_Andre, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. Brother_Andre

    Brother_Andre Keep On Keeping On

    Aug 26, 2018
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    Hey all,

    As the server continues to grow, and as the use of Discord takes over in use versus the forums (for text posts) and TeamSpeak (for chats / calls / staff sessions), I would like to make some suggestions so that the server's Discord can start to bear more weight of the server, drive player use, and reduce the dependability on other programs.
    • A Discord Button on the Site - I know it's a minor nit-pick, but at the top right of the forums, there are buttons for Twitter and YouTube. Which are fantastic, but I feel a quick, easy button to help direct new players to the Discord would help out greatly.
    • A Bot-Spam Channel - Currently, there's a great bot on the Discord, from some of the commands I see available (as everyone's sent a list of commands as soon as they join the server's Discord). But as more people start to use the server's bot, it will start to clutter up the #music and even #general tabs unless there is a dedicated channel for people to use for the bot. And who knows? It might even give it more use if people aren't too timid about spamming other channels for the bot.
    • A New Players Channel - Making a dedicated channel for new player announcements would help reduce clutter in the #general tab.
    That said, I'm just one voice for the community, and if more people disagree with these suggestions than agree with them, I wouldn't want changes to be made. I'm just trying to throw out some ideas that might help new players like myself, and present the Discord as more professional than it currently seems while offering easier access to players, especially since Discord is one of the few apps with voice chat that can be operated via a browser, a dedicated downloadable app, and a phone app. The cross-platform functionality of the program, I feel, shouldn't be overlooked when it can be used to help us connect as a community.

    SteenDeFenomeen likes this.
  2. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Bot spam channel = music channel

    New player channel = help channel

    The reason why you can’t join the discord from the site is because spammers would join so in game verification is crucial to “less clutter”
  3. Brother_Andre

    Brother_Andre Keep On Keeping On

    Aug 26, 2018
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    I'm all for keeping a music channel; I'm referring more to the other things that the bot is capable of based on the commands given when you join the server, like ?ranks, ?google, and other functionalities of the bot, which would otherwise clutter up the music channel.

    Currently, new player announcements aren't listed on the #help tab; they're listed in #general. If your suggestion is to move new player announcements to the #help tab, that also wouldn't help the problem; it would just mean that many people, if they see there's a notification in #help of a player actually needing help, they may otherwise ignore it thinking that it was just a new player joining the Discord, which goes against the functionality of having a #help tab at all.

    I don't understand your reasoning behind why people would spam the Discord if a button was available on the site if they had all intentions of joining the server in-game. There is already a button for Twitter and YouTube at the top right, so the intent surely is to get more people invested in the community by joining things other than the forums in the first place. So why would having a button for the Discord be an issue if the goal is to get more people involved? If they're spammers, they'll be warned and, if need be, removed, just as they would be if they were to join in-game and start spamming things.
  4. CringyPanda820

    CringyPanda820 DaKingNamedPanda

    Jan 27, 2018
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    i mea i have discord but that for gamin i i am in the server i mainly use ts for differcraft.
    I met one of thiese spammers it not fun

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