What is you IGN: DOSKEY When were you punished: 3/10/2019 Who by?: Muffinity What offence did you commit?: I was banned for Player trapping MrPorpiose killed me while I was "Hypnotizing him" then I /backed, and killed him, and teleported away. Then I gave him a chance to get his stuff back by guessing what the secret of my town was. He tried guessing for a while but didn't guess it after many try's so I was going to give him a hint, and let him guess to get one of his things back. After that I was going to give him one more chance to get his stuff back, and then "throw it in lava" but the chicken that was the mascot of my town was pushed off of my shop sign or something so I said the secret. Which was that the chicken was my town mascott unless it got pushed off or jumped off of my shop sign. Then I asked in general if anyone wanted to see artifact gear thrown in lava, and that is when I got banned about. Why should you accept my appeal?: You should accept my appeal because Player trapping is not in the rules. I looked above, and below the rules for a updated list but it is not there. I also checked the announcements section on discord up to the Christmas event post, and did not see it, and I checked forums. Also I was not going to actually throw any of MrPorpioses' things in lava I had 1 or 2 items that looked like his I was going to throw in but I was not going to throw any of his things in. Looking back on it it was probably pretty mean so I guess I will apologize. I am sorry MrPorpiose for being mean I was just trying to have some fun. I was not trying to make you feel bad or anything.
The reason I banned you was not in regards to what happened to MrPurpoise. It was in regards to you teleporting Citi and Ney our helpers to your town under the false guise that you were going to let them watch you throw MrPurpoise's things in lava. You led them into death by lava. I called that player trapping not realizing that it was not on the rules anymore...however you did mislead them which I consider scamming. You promised them you'd let them watch but instead let them die by going through the nether portal of your choice. I've fixed the ban reason it's now under "Misleading players to death" Sorry about the mistake. Hopefully this clarifies things for you. I'll let Kieran decide if you'll be unbanned.
https://imgur.com/a/1Iqd3EW https://imgur.com/a/3A2UQlU Again I apologize for banning you under the reason of Player Trapping but this looks suspicious that they died and you made it out fine.
Hello Doskey, as an older member of the server i would have expected more from you to be honest with you, to the best of my knowledge you killed 2 staff members and 1 player with your nether portal. i have spoken to one of the staff members who was killed by your "trap" @citisma and we have come up with a few ways that this can be resolved, i havent spoken to the other members that were killed but i think this is the best way forward. on the basis that you can satisfy @MrPorpiose and @neyau with significant paying back, ie some of your own items or money (or both) to try and help them get back to where they were on the server i think we can come to an agreement on a reduction or possibly an unban. also doskey you do know the rules and this rule was implemented long ago so i would expect more from you. (Update) I have spoken to the 2/3 people involved and there is a majority vote for you to be unbanned. welcome back and please try to make ammends with the people you killed welcome back to Differentcraft! (Cleaned up responses on thread) Closing Thread