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A kit pvp!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Tolkie, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Tolkie

    Tolkie Queen

    Dec 1, 2017
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    I love to pvp, but the problem is that nobody really pvp's a lot due to fear of losing their head or their items. So what if we had a separate warp where people could go to pvp with kits instead of their own gear. You cannot take items or stats into the kit pvp and you cannot take items out of the kitpvp world, this keeps from an exploit of the items. There could be 5 classes with a close enough equality in the fight; tank, healer, swordsman, archer and assassin.

    The kits:

    Tank: Usually high in defense with a not so strong sword
    Swordsman: low in armor protection but a stronger sword
    Healer or wizard: a team healer who can help out teammates with pots, usually speed or health or a wizard can have low damage pots and a couple poison. Usually, have moderate armor and a moderate sword.
    Archer: have a weak sword and moderate armor set with a stronger bow and a stack or two of arrows
    Assassin: weak armor, little higher-than-moderate sword, and infinite 2 speed.

    Those are of course the kits I usually see and lot to use but if you have any other kit suggestions you can leave them down below.

    I feel like a kitpvp would be a great way to kill time if you're bored and would get people to pvp without having fear of losing their items.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2018
    CMAGamer likes this.
  2. CMAGamer

    CMAGamer New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I think this is a wonderful idea!

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