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A personal goodbye?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Fluffy, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Hello and as many of you may be aware of, I am leaving the server. What will happen to my town and other things will stay the same (Unless the staff reset the server) I'm not handing over anything to anyone. I will still run Milton, and always will. The reason I am leaving the server is because I have real life education that I need to focus on that is more important than gaming that's the reason I am leaving. Most people will understand this, especially when coming closer to exams, my exams are soon and I need the time to revise. For people who do not know what revising is, its basically looking over notes that you made in class and redoing it all again, which takes time. This time is called studying and will help me remember things much easier for my exams. Even though I only have 6 types of subjects to focus on (Maths, English, Science, Health and Social, Business, Geography and Catering) I need a C or above (4 above if you use the number scale) to get qualifications to get me into collage or six form. Because I'm autistic (A condition that makes me different from others) Learning takes longer and different things I get easier than others (Maths over English)

    Wait! Are you leaving forever?

    the answer to your question is no. I love the server to bits and find it fun. I have a town and many friends on the server. I will come back if I'm on break and I don't have any exams or homework coming up. I will play when both American people and I'm on break or some weekends when I don't have my hands full.

    I'm going to miss you, GrayMother, where can I find you to contact you for anything?

    I will be mostly on the forums playing my count to 2018 game before 2018 and commenting on other threads and mostly looking on my enjin for other stuff. I will still be active on the forums, but inactive on the server

    Wait! Your going to be inactive in game but active on website? Why cant you be active in game as well?

    The reason I have stopped playing my town is because its very inactive (Most people are American) Plus if I do something wrong (Such as trashing my diablo pick) I'll get stressed and I don't want that stress and anxiety to build up. The forums is you cant do anything wrong (Unless you do something wrong)

    Where can I find you if I ever need you?

    You can find me here

    Goodbye, for now

    Special thanks to

    @aWinterRose For encouraging me to make a town
    @Kieranlb05 For being the best staff who helped me who then turned into an admin (But I prefer Rose over him :) )
    The entire Staff team for making the server a pleasant experience for me
    The entire Milton community for encouraging me to grow my town
  2. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    I'm saddened to see you become inactive on the server, but completely understand the circumstances. School is important and I think it's great that you're being such an active participant in your education, and doing what's best for you.

    I'm glad you'll pop on during holidays and more relaxed times of the year, look forward to seeing you on!

    Best of luck with your exams and school work :)
  3. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I will try and come on when I can, my dads giving me extra time on pc for revising, I might use some of it to check on town, but I wont like play the game, if you know what I mean.

    I'll basically occasionally come into the server if something new happens, such as an event
  4. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Makes sense!
  5. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Sad... hope to see you back on the server some day
  6. TheKatsTurn

    TheKatsTurn New Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    A big shame that you are leaving but I wish you the best for exams and I hope you do well!
  7. fisherman_nick

    fisherman_nick New Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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