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Bruce5002 Mute 'appeal' and complaint

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Bruce5002, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. Bruce5002

    Bruce5002 New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    What is your IGN?

    When were you punished?
    14:30 GMT

    Who by?

    What offence did you commit?
    Technical reason: 'toxicity, filter dodging'
    Actual reason: N/A

    After a player named YMF (whose name is filter dodging in itself) threatened to kill me (in game of course) as a newish player with absolutely no gear to provoke harm in any warm towards him, I sarcastically responded with "You'll do fookin nuttin". Without any form of verbal warning beforehand for either "toxicity" or "filter dodging", I was muted for 10 minutes. While it is true that the very first rule does state we should not filter dodge, I can wholely admit that this did not cross my mind as I had not previously attempted to swear in general chat. So essentially, I had bearly any way of knowing. The fact hat there is a player called YMF on the server also indicates this wasn't a rule, and therefore I do not feel this mute-without warning is justified. The mute reason does also state I was being "toxic". However, I challenge Sloppy to select one of my messages, explain why it is toxic and allow me to explain to him why it is not the case. That goes without mentioning, Sloppy himself did not think this was a valid reason. I have screenshot evidence of this:


    This screenshot indicates that Sloppy 'waits' for players he dislikes to break rules, so that he can use his staff abilities to punish them. Not the finest first impression from any staff member that supposedly cares about the wellbeing of the server, but I digress.

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    This is not very applicable in this instance, but I do feel that what I done does not warrant a mute.

    Additional comments.
    This is not necessarily an appeal - as there is nothing, at this very moment, to appeal. I have no reason whatsoever to lie in this complaint. A complaint about a clearly inexperienced staff member who is too quick to jump to conclusions and mute new players. As someone who genuinely does care about this server, I do believe Sloppy needs to change his attitude to players who he calls, and I quote, "annoying", and giving him a "headache". Moreover, it seems this is not a rare series of events for Sloppy:


    I do not necessarily need a response to this, I would just like higher ups to be aware.

    Thanking you.
  2. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    I see my name in here 2 times, so I would like to reply :)

    Why is my name filter dodging? It's just "YMF".

    Also: you were trolling around, and I told you to "Stop or i'll rek you".
    You should not troll, because that is not the right place.

    Thank you,

    cutesheepo likes this.
  3. Bruce5002

    Bruce5002 New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I see you've replied to my report

    Here is why your name can be deemed filter dodging, as on Urban Dictionary it states that it is a commonly used acronym for "Young Mind F***" (rapper), and "You Mother F******".

    And I was not trolling. If anything you were, by threatening me in game chat and following me around a town I literally just joined, spamming your attack button. Then, having disabled the town PVP protection to kill me. Moreover, that is not even a reason that Brenden had suggested. So I have absolutely no idea what nonsense you are trying to share now. You should not harass new players because that is not the right place.

    Thank you,

  4. user6118

    user6118 New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    this makes me giggle.
    Kee, cutesheepo, JDawg and 1 other person like this.
  5. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Since when do you have a town? You've got no town. :)
    You making me laugh :p
  6. Bruce5002

    Bruce5002 New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Must agree, situation is indeed ridiculous. Thankfully I'm not the instigator of it, though. If ya don't have something positive to contribute to the report, please do not feel the need to go ahead and respond. The more attention this gets though, the better.

    I'm glad you're able to laugh at this unfortunate circumstance. While this is entirely irrelevant and you're clearly trying to divert from the points I made, I'll bite this once. I was in a town, the one you were inside of when ya failed to kill me. Good luck with staff ol' chap.
  7. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    I think this report should rather be in "Player report".

    And I can laugh about it, because you start off for the mute and now make it into a report against me :)

    Wishing you good luck, and this was my last reply as it's not even worth time spending onto this.

    Thanks, bud.
  8. Bruce5002

    Bruce5002 New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    You're bearly mentioned. I appreciate you may have a bit of an ego but sorry pal, this one isn't about you. ;)
  9. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Ok this is just wrong on every possible level.
    1. In Your screenshot you So kindly provided, it says that respectable ex-staff And valued player @Mahimanta was planning to mute you And t-mod @Brenden was doing it because the incident ACTUALLY was filter dodging. Also, this makes @DreaLitAF “giggle” And trust me, She is serious business.
    2. A mute for 10 minutes is not Something that is worth the time to appeal to.
    3. Even I, Who Spends all of his time on the Internet didn’t know the filter dodging of the acronym @YMF , Who Also didn’t know What you meant. Also, as far as I know acronyms are allowed (laggyasfgoaway, DreaLitAF, etc)
    4. This indeed Should be a player report, not against YMF (He is a helpful person - everyone, 2017) for having a name that could be considred filter dodging, but against Sloppy/Brenden for misuse of power, which would likely be denied because He did nothing wrong.
    5. YMF mentioned the fact that you were “trolling”. Brenden was probaly waiting for a valid reason to mute you because He didn’t want to listen to that troll stuff anymore but He didn’t want to misuse his staff powers because light trolling isn’t muteable, but filter dodging IS. He would have muted you either way. Heck, He would have muted me if I said What you saw.
    6. If YMF wasn’t important to this, Why did you reply to him?
    7. The comments YMF made were valid (one is asking for an explenation, the others were mostly harmless statements) , So Why did you even reply to him in the first place with such agressive language.
    8. If I am correct, YMF is resident of Kingscastle, THE FAMOUS TOWN WHERE EVERYONE DOES SHOPPING OWNED BY MAHI! If even the mayor of Your town want’s to mute you, you may have done Something wrong.
    9. There is one thing that you are correct on. YMF shouldn’t have turned on town pvp settings. Did He kill you in the town after that? Because if you kill Someone within 5 minutes of the settings changes that is illegal And fallus under TP killing.
    These are just my opinions on the matter. If you have Any replies to this I would gladly read them.
    Blazingwither22 and Kee like this.
  10. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    To reply on you, I have never had permissions to toggle PvP, also this hasn't happened, he was never killed :)
  11. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    The plot thickens
  12. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Wasn't on my plot :)Also nothing much happened.
  13. Bruce5002

    Bruce5002 New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    1. This really is not a valid point. Having a reputation does not make you right, nor do you specifically even fully understand this situation.
    2. No, but clear staff abuse is.
    3. Your lack of knowledge is not my fault.
    4. Thanks for your input and opinion.
    5. If this is truly the system to warn without warning when a new player is against the rules, I wholely accept that Brendan done the right thing. In which case, the rules are mistaken and not the staff member. I did clearly admit to this in my report, which you seemed to have missed.
    6. Because he replied to me.
    7. Go ahead and quote such aggressive language. It seems that you are playing the victim here, on his behalf.
    8. Totally irrelevant. Like, not relevant whatsoever.
    9. I did not say this was the case.

    *I did NOT say that YMF disabled PVP, nor did I say I was killed*
    Please read more carefully next time. This is NOT about YMF, nor do I feel that he breached any rules. Certainly an unfriendly introduction though.
  14. Bruce5002

    Bruce5002 New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I invite anyone else to give their unbias views on this scenario. ;)
  15. user6118

    user6118 New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Idk but Drea is Indeed lit af
    Kee likes this.
  16. Brenden

    Brenden Member

    Sep 19, 2017
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    I didnt abuse any power, you filter dodged ontop of being a nuisance in general chat, it was a 10min mute for a valid reason and I dont punish players I don't like I punish people that break the rules, dont feel special I didnt even knew you existed until I read this post.
    Kee likes this.
  17. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    ok so you reported a staff member in your appeal, i trust @Mahimanta to know when someone needs a mute so i think brenden did right here.

    i would say to you as decent advice, read the rules

    thread locked
    TheCleverDragon likes this.
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