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Clearing my History

Discussion in 'Denied' started by reilly, Sep 21, 2017.

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  1. reilly

    reilly New Member

    Aug 27, 2017
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    I'm Riyelsanator
    I'm 14 from Aus
    I would like to have my history cleared as I have been unfairly punished

    I have been muted 3 times and served me "sentence"

    The first was from Leo and it was fair but the next two issued by Phiffan, and Rose was unfairly bestowed upon me.
    so basically this lady was being toxic saying that eff 8 shears were useless, I and 3 other people were arguing against her, it was all a friendly argument until she started swearing at us Phiffan said to stop the argument and because I was the last to respond to her I was muted, along with her.

    The second mute came when a toxic player randomly blurted out the name of a Pornographic site, not a lot of people knew what he was talking about and they started asking questions, I said "it is a porn site, please change the subject" about a 30 mins later I was muted with a link to a site that displayed what I had said, the kid who blurted it out didn't get a mute, I asked rose and she said that she would follow it up, I haven't gotten a response yet.

    thank you for listening to my argument and I hope that my history will be revised

  2. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    As I said I looked into it. In fact, I looked through the logs to find it because I hadn't recognised the site. When I checked through the logs this is what it shows;

    No questions were asked, and that was all that was said from the time he said the site to the time you made your comment. It's not even the comment you claimed to have said. He had also received a warning from another staff member and apologised, so no further action was taken against him. [Note: I have removed all social spy messages/PM's, etc for obvious reasons.] You on the other hand were the one to continue it by pointing it out.


    Unfortunately I was tabbed out working on a staff document which is why I didn't see the above messages, and had to check the logs to confirm. I was tabbing in frequently to keep an eye on things, and ended up having to check core inspect logs which also spammed my chat. Another staff member dealt with him, and I went back to what I was doing. When I had tabbed in, I saw your message and muted you for it - which was not '30mins' later, it was 2 minutes.

    [19:57:56] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Silent] aWinterRose tempmuted riyelsanator for 20 minutes for 'Not appropriate'

    Bottom line is, your message IS inappropriate and you shouldn't have said it. There were 2 staff members on for sure, and I believe the third was Wuphe. You could have reported it if you thought it had been missed, or uploaded a report a player thread. Two wrongs don't make a right. I agree that it was taken out of context, but considering it was still inappropriate, and you've just lied about your message and the conduct that was taken, my opinion is that your history should remain.

    As for Phiffans mute, he may choose to respond later himself. However, if you're arguing in main chat you're going to be muted/warned for it because you're contributing to that 'toxicity' and spamming general chat. Even if what you say is true in this incident, he had full right to mute/warn you if you had been arguing back.

    You had 3 offences before Phiffan and I muted you, which provides us with insight on your behaviour and conduct on the server. This same inappropriate behaviour has been reflected by you in TS as well. You now have 5 offences, so I suggest having a read through the rules here. If you have any questions regarding the rules, feel free to contact a staff member through direct support.

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