What is your IGN? cooljoe5889 When were you punished? 09.23.2017, 16:16 (EST) Who by? kieranlb05 What offense did you commit? Chat spamming, "I wonder of Kieran will temp-mute me if I keep spamming this message in chat." Why should we accept your appeal? It's very boring in this soundless void, not being able to speak.... .... I will not do it again. ALSO: In the ban appeal format that AWinterRose posted, she spelled offense wrong, she spelled it as "offence." It is spelled correctly in this appeal. xD
Some information for you until a mod can reply; Spamming commands you have access to will not help you in any way, like you were spamming afk earlier. I would ask that you please do not spam with them and just wait patiently for a mod to reply to you. Spamming will not get anyone to look over your appeal any faster. Additionally, Offense and Offence are exactly the same word. Offense is most commonly used spelling in USA, Offence is used everywhere else.
thanks for this appeal im going to reject it as this is your third offence of spamming now, wait the 3 days appeal rejected thread locked