Hello. I'm Cutesheepo. I am a dutch thirteen year old who's currently in second grade middle school. My interests are Marvel comics, Star Wars and gaming. At my school, I'm top tier in everyting, exept gymnastics because, well, what would anyone expect from someone who's a hardcore geek/nerd. I saw basically every Marvel movie and I can explain every plotpoint. My dream job is working at Marvel too. (It was at this moment that Cutesheepo knew, he ran out of interesting content for this post). Well because, as my narrator said, I ran out of content for this post so that's about it. You can ask any questions about me in the comments below.
Welcome! Who's your favourite Marvel superhero? Favourite movie? Huge marvel fan right here. A few people have even picked up on the "WinterRose/WinterSoldier" reference. Just in case Josephiney reads this, Marvel > DC Make sure you let him know if you see him in game.
Well my favorite Marvel superhero is probaly a tie between Captain America, Winter Soldier and the Scarlet Witch. My favorite movie is (and will probaly be until Infinity War drops) Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Such character development. Much spy thriller.
It's like this: Movies: Marvel Animation: DC Old Comics: Marvel New Comics: DC (although I like the recent stuff as well, just not everything)