Currently, when a plot is claimed, the permission level on it from a town perspective changes from resident to friend. I was wondering on a certain kind of plot(like a farm plot) that you could add some way for all the residents and certain friends you add to your friends list can use it like a farm. For example, as a mayor, if i claim a plot and by default friends will already be able to do stuff on it(even /plot set perm friend perms can be set on personal plots), But what i'm asking for here is for residents to be able to use it as well. This would be very useful in the area of town farms and would limit some grief towns would have on public farms. People, aren't in the town already, would have to ask whoever owns the farm to have permission to use it ,instead, of having the town always having the farm always vulnerable to grief.
Hello, This would be something that would most likely have to be implemented by Towny, not us. There's also a few problems, being that those who added people to their friends list would also be (by default) giving them access to all their personal plots as well. Users are also limited to claiming a max of 100 plots, and going by the size and quantity of many farms, this would be limiting.