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Hey from mdbussen

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by mdbussen, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. mdbussen

    mdbussen New Member

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Hello guys, I am Dejan.

    My in-game nick is mdbussen.

    I am from Serbia, 21 years old and I study Computer Science and Engineering.

    I've been playing on DifferentCraft for a couple of months now. I have 7 years of experience playing Minecraft,
    and i'm still not tired of playing it. Now I have less time for gaming so I come to the server a couple times in 2 weeks. :( The thing I don't like in Minecraft nowdays is that there are almost no friendly players, the game is not as it was before. I am a little bit nostalgic for old times..

    Reason I like Minecraft is the freedom to build whatever you want. I also like to code plugins for MC. servers.
    I was builder on couple MC servers, now I am retired because of college. xd

    Feel free to contact me in-game. I am very friendly guy and I like to work on cool and creative projects.
    Cya. :)
    nightmare and Williammannen like this.

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