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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Mahimanta, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. Mahimanta

    Mahimanta New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Howdy :) My Ingame name is Mahimanta (usually my Nick is just Mahi). I have the 'retired' rank, which I normally get asked about several times a day! There are 3 of us with the retired rank, although I'm the only one who plays regularly at the moment. It means that I used to be Head-Mod back in the day there was no Admin or Supervisor rank (Head mod is no longer a rank) and I stepped down from being staff rather than being fired lol ! I have multiple Health issues which meant I decided I wanted to step back from being staff. With the 'retired' rank I still have the odd superpower to help out when there are no staff online to make it more pleasant for everyone else.

    At 43 I'm one of the oldest server members. I'm a Qualified Teacher and used to work in a Primary school before my health deteriorated. I am married and have 2 teenagers. I accidentally became addicted to Minecraft in 2016 when I was helping out my son earn some money for his town while he just got on with building. He eventually got bored after he'd finished building, and I took over Kingscastle.
    I like to think that all the mob grinders at /t spawn kingscastle (thanks Ubitnik) help players out when they first join the server (and experienced players!) I really enjoy running my shop and am always happy to repair for people.

    Away from the computer I love playing my clarinet in an orchestra. I also have many animals including our new Puppy who will be going to train as a Guide dog in about a year :) I tend to listen to audio books while I'm on minecraft and get through a few a week.
    Kee likes this.
  2. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Mahi is great
    Kee likes this.
  3. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Did she mention she has a shop...

    /t spawn kingscastle

    Also the retired staff are

    Nida_ - fizzy
    payloss - bae
    Mahi - shop

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