What is your IGN? Their name is SoullessMoon When were you punished? I don't know. Who by? I also don't remember What offence did you commit? they scammed, please keep reading. Why should we accept your appeal? Their IGN is SoullessMoon and they have been banned for around 100+ days. And the reason is ridiculous. What happened was, LilyDoesGaming was unarmed inside a town by Satans and Satans started threatening lily to drop the arti axe in lava and him and his friends were laughing about it, but SoullessMoon felt like staff was doing nothing about this rude act so he scammed Satans for the axe and gave it back to lily, AND GOT BANNED. Additional comments. Are you serious? Disarming someone within a town should be bannable. Someone trying to restore happiness gets banned for breaking a rule? Rules are supposed to keep everyone happy and I believe that Satans and his friends broke a more severe rule (bullying, harrassing lily). SoullessMoon is my close friend and I would really like them to get a shorter ban or no ban at all, even though they have history. Anyone reading this, put yourself in Lily's place. Imagine how much you would be pissed losing an arti axe by getting UNARMED in a TOWN ( and artis are hard asf to get in my opinion, you rich people might not agree) and someone came and gave it back to you and then they get banned. Really, Satans is filthy rich and him getting an arti axe won't make him any happier, and as I said before rules are supposed to keep everyone happy and having a fun time. Though, him taking it makes everyone pissed and ruins the fun atmosphere for Lily and every witness and SoullessMoon. EDIT: Satans is epictown's co-mayor so to disarm lily he either disactivated and reactivated No-PVP or was 2 blocks away in the wilderness of his town with Lily because she couldn't attack him (town area)
The ban will not be reduced considering the player was just unbanned for tp killing then immediately scammed someone. I've checked the logs and reassessed the situation.