What is your IGN Bluberry_sanss When were you punished? Around an Hour ago Who by? Oceanic_ What offence did you commit? Staff Disrespect Why should we accept your appeal? This is My first time being banned and i promis not to do it again I siwer if You Unban me Soon I will Give tolkie a apolotgy I just have sine issues with her and I promois to talk things out with her and get along with her I really really Love this server and 3 day being banned is really Killing me so plz consider my apeal. Additional comments. Well I am really sorry for the way i acted and i promis never to do it again and I didnt know she tped i thought she ./backed so i thought i was safe and i just had a really bad moment and i want to say sorry to her
Your a Nice Guy and all But you have Disrespected Tolkie Mutiple Times before Thats Why we Decided to give you a small ban this time So you can realise this Behaviour is not allowed in our chat ! i Hope to see you again When ur unbanned Have a Nice day -Duckie
Dude we all told I didn’t but dia and Duckie said not to talk to staff so to say this but Duckie is right