The new site will be going on 1 month this week, which is quite a long time if you think about it. Now in that time, there have been many suggestions made by players like myself on this forum that have gotten no regard or support by any players, or more importantly, staff/developers/owner. I'm not asking for new ideas from the community to be implemented on a whim, especially for some of the bigger projects suggested (such as Daemon's event - Pandemonium), but what I do want is for the higher-ups of this server to have some involvement with the community that makes the server what it is. Not only in-game, but here as well. Like I initially stated, the new forums will be 1 month old this week, while some of the suggestions here are even older, reposted topics from the old website, and still have gotten no responses from the people who decide what happens with the server. I know some things take time and very delicate tuning to ensure the health of the server as a whole to not ruin the playability and experiences of players, but would it be too much to ask to at least get some feedback towards some suggestions made. Something as little as a 'I like this suggestion, we'll see what we can do to implement this' or 'This suggestion isn't possible at this time, sorry' can go a long way to make the community feel like they're being heard. Everyone has their own lives, with other interests and hobbies, work, school, etc. etc. outside of the server. I get it. What I don't get though is how the community that defines the server can go for months at a time without any interaction with those who run it. Us players, the ones making suggestions, actively being a part of the community, both in-game and on the forums, give much of our time, and for some; money, to the server to make it better not only for ourselves, but for those around us and will come after us. All I'm asking is that you give a bit of your time to listen to the community and address the suggestions made to the server. Dedicate a bit of time once every week or two to see what changes the community has come up with and respond to the ideas, giving us an indication as to whether or not we should take our time to try and make the server a better place, or if our ideas are just falling upon deaf ears. Thank you for your time, Aflakk
Hi guys, I can definitely see where you're coming from and that things may feel as they are falling on deaf ears. However I can assure you the suggestions have absolutely been discussed amongst staff. When someone makes a suggestion it is almost immediately discussed whether or not it is possible to implement without a dev [unfortunately often times it is not]. When it's not, it then has to be brought to a dev to see what they are able to do. If everything goes smoothly there, it can range from days to a good month before we hear back. This is something out of our control, and currently our paid dev is on vacation. Once that's done, the plugins/changes have to go through a great deal of testing to ensure there's no major bugs or interfering plugins. Depending on how that goes, the plugin may have to be fixed or edited. Often times what we do is hold off on commenting on suggestions until the next staff meeting to get a full panel of feedback from all staff about implementation. Our next staff meeting is scheduled for the 23rd, and we have a good 6 pages of information concerning the suggestions to go through. [Sorry staff.] Why so long? What about suggestions that only have to do with the config? Often times people making the suggestions don't realise that their idea is missing alot of information that has to be resolved before we can even think about implementing it. E.g. how do we resolve areas that it will be abused [Like with your jobs suggestions, can't go into details about it for obvious reasons, but it requires alot of tinkering. It's work that is being done by people who volunteer their time to the server, all of which have real lives. Or maybe it's about the organisation of the implementation [e.g. with the female alternative tags, how/where will it be selectable? Permissions?] It is after these meetings that you'll hear back whether or not we'll be perusing the suggestion further [e.g. dev, implementation]. Yes, all you're asking for is a quick comment as to whether or not it's a possibility, but is it better to get a quick response and be told no, or to be patient, however long that may be, and get a response once we know for sure whether or not it's a no. None of us are devs, so there's a process. We understand it's a frustrating process for people who don't see the behind the scenes work. I have some comments ready to paste after the meeting for thins that have been quickly decided/only required the thoughts of upper staff. Usually I like to respond in 'waves' so that everyone gets a response at the same time, and then nobody is messaging me or complaining about how THEIRS wasn't responded to, but someone else's was. [hint hint, sending me links to your threads doesn't change much, chances are I've already seen it ]. I can definitely make the 'quick responses' sooner rather then later if that helps. The reason I otherwise avoid giving personal feedback about the idea is [and I have done this in the past] people then get the idea that it will/won't be added and then there's a bombardment of questions/demands when that's not the case. There's no way for us to please everyone, we're going to be criticised no matter what way we run things - but I'm happy to make changes where I can. If this is one of them, so be it - I can do it right now. Just so you know I'm not full of it. Spoiler: Sneak Peak FYI - "Click here for details" means it's being worked on. Obviously you won't have access to that, and again, it doesn't mean it will 100% be implemented how you see it. There's a lot of things that can go wrong and have an impact on things between now and implementation. This is one of the reasons we don't like giving feedback, it get's peoples hopes up and sometimes for unforeseeable reasons it doesn't get implemented.
Thank you for the response and sharing some details about how you guys run things behind the scenes. I know that you try to treat everyone equally which is shown with the responding back in waves which is perfectly understandable. My two suggestion responses may be off though, as, like you said, give a sort of personal bias to the response. I really meant for something along the lines of 'This has been seen by staff and we'll provide updates at a future time' just so we know that the posts have been seen.
I think that's a reasonable request, and it will definitely be implemented. Thanks for giving us some feedback, it's greatly appreciated!