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Iron Golems

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Josh_PlayzMC, Feb 11, 2018.


Should Iron Golems Drop iron again?

Poll closed Mar 4, 2018.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Josh_PlayzMC

    Josh_PlayzMC New Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Recently me and my friend (_Lightninq_) have spent quite a few hours / days getting all the green gems for a villager spawner (300 green gems) and building an ig farm / villager breeder. When we finally got everything ready, we waited for the iron golem to spawn, to our surprise when we ended up killing the golem, it dropped a Basic circuit board instead of iron like we expected it would. However if there were a disclaimer about this anywhere on the server then we wouldn't feel like we have 'wasted' our time doing this 'project'. What i suggest is that if you can make it so the golems drop iron again instead of the basic circuit board from slimefun, or if that is not possible then a disclaimer somewhere on the server exclaiming that iron golems do not drop iron so then other players do not feel like they have wasted time making a breeder and farm for an item they can get in slimefun... Any help to this problem will be much appreciated, thanks for reading and i hope this can be resolved! - Josh_PlayzMC :D
  2. CringyPanda820

    CringyPanda820 DaKingNamedPanda

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Maybe by u have unlock it on slimefun

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