HEY! My IGN is KalleKingKong and I enjoy Minecraft A LOT. How I found this server? well... It's a loooooong story. First I started playing Minecraft October 2012 but took a MASSIVE break of 4 YEARS. When I started playing again I was searching for a Norwegian server cause I was a Norwegian person if you didn't know. Then I found a towny-like server and I enjoy the game mode. When the server has gone bankrupt I became very sad, cause I had to find another server. Then I stumbled over OP factions. I love building a massive building and I love to grind too. It was the perfect game mode for me... or was it? Raiding... ARGH, those god damn raiders, destroying my buildings and ruining my grinding. And there are scammers, No refunds... Trash talkers... That is so annoying. Then I asked in chat: Is there a faction game mode that does not include scamming and raiding? a friendly player said towny was the way to aim them. I searched trough Minecraft server lists and then I found Differentcraft. I thought well... what can hurt? I will probably not play that server for too long, am my right? Well... I was wrong. VERRY wrong This server is too awesome to stop playing in so I became addicted to the server and start making Texture packs and Youtube videos on the server. Here is the links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0fKjLag3NL70KOY5qKtWRQ Thanks for reading me
I'm glad you found the server, and are enjoying it! Good luck with your channel, you're more then welcome to make videos on the server so long as you're abiding by the rules! Let us know if you ever have any questions or concerns.