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My Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Disciple Gizmo, Jan 28, 2018.

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  1. Disciple Gizmo

    Disciple Gizmo New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    IGN: gizmonster

    When were you punished?
    I was punished on the twenty-sixth of January I believe

    Who by?
    I was banned by kieranlb05

    What offense did you commit?
    I've committed many offenses on this server, none of which I am proud of. I have spawn-killed players, disrupted chat, argued with staff members, and of course the big one: huge exploitation of a certain bug. This bug allowed me to grab barriers from the GUI opening the help menu at spawn, the Iron Golem (which needs to be removed as soon as possible). I sold these barriers to buy building materials and made approximately $60,000 in total, which I spent on gambling and building materials. I've overall been a toxic player on this server.

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    Honestly, I do not deserve to be banned, and under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be making this appeal. This is a fine server with a great community, that much is true. I feel I have the potential to be a productive and positive part of the community here, but this is only part of it. I am deeply ashamed of getting myself IP banned, which in turn got my brother, hooded_warrior72, banned as well. Andy has shown great devotion to this server and has been a good person ever since he joined. He tells me that others may attest that as well. This ban appeal really isn't about me getting unbanned, though that would be nice if circumstances ever inclined me to return, if you are unwilling to unban my account, please unban the IP address so he can join once again. I think this is a fair compromise.

    Additional comments.
    That's about it, I hope I followed the format correctly and I would like to personally apologize to everyone that I have wronged, including Such_a_Diabetic, BoredAndAwkward, that other guy I do not remember, and the guy I spawn killed when I first joined the server: Demon_Mage. I would like to say I got off with a silent warning with that offense, and is not part of my ban.
  2. Disciple Gizmo

    Disciple Gizmo New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Thank you, how would I provide proof?
  3. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    My Thoughts
    Is There a Way you can prove hooded_warrior72 is ur brother and not your alt
    Many Staff members Find this a bit suspicious If you could prove it Im pretty sure the ip ban would go away,
    as for you i dont know Abusing a bug is a hard crime on this server !
    This is my opinion ofcourse
    @Kieranlb05 Has the final words have a nice day
    Kee likes this.
  4. Disciple Gizmo

    Disciple Gizmo New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I would like to provide proof, how would I do so?
  5. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    as i told your "brother"
    the the easyst way may be to be on teamspeak at the same time
  6. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    You should have considered your brother before you went and bug abused not after.

    I’ll speak to the owner about this appeal as the ban was his choice.
  7. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    After speaking to the owner we have decided within upper staff to give your brother a chance to be unbanned on one condition.

    Your brother and you will have to be on either TeamSpeak or discord at the same time to confirm you are different people.

    Thanks, kieran
  8. Disciple Gizmo

    Disciple Gizmo New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I assure you that hooded_warrior72 is my brother, but the methods of proof that were provided are not aligned with our family's privacy values. It seems I cannot make the case that the reason for my unbanishment would be for my brother, but for my IP address as a whole, as well as my self. Being banned for such an extended period of time has actually made me care for the server, and long to go back. It was a luxury in which I did not consider: I enjoyed being on there, and I believe I can be a good player and not break rules. I would like to become a productive player here, and though reason may not favor me being unbanned, I'm asking for your sympathy. I've seen appeals that were half-assed and for crimes similar to my own yet still receive mercy. I am asking for mercy, and while you might be reluctant, you will not regret it: I will not break a single rule from now on.
  9. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Bug abusing is the most serious offence on the server.

    An unban will not be considered.

    Denied thread locked
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