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Naastar's Introduction

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by Naastar, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Naastar

    Naastar New Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Hi, I'm Naastar, or Alex in the real world and I'm 24.

    I'm on this server for several months now, settled a few weeks ago when I finally found a village I could make stable (so with at least 2 villagers insides) but those two villagers were brought by a kind person out of nowhere when I "brokedown" in chat.

    Since then, I've been refurbishing the village (the natural generation was really weird since it's in valleys), expanding it by adding a lot of houses, a library, a blacksmith and farms with also a ranch in the back, so it's now+- 30 houses.

    But my two villagers remains alone (with 4 iron golems), they get willing but do not breed, probably because of the terrain (because 9 block is the maximum height the village algorithm is counting houses around the village center). Again, after several weeks I broke my rule and created a small "houses booster" (a 7x9 builing with doors as walls). It has been 3 days now :(
    Right now I'm planning on the first big extension of the village while I'm still hopping for them to breed.

    Already pretty long but I haven't talked about my self (it's an introduction after all).
    I'm the proud owner of a magnificent Border Collie named Falco, pretty much the love of my life.
    I'm working as distribution/quality agent in an aircraft engine company called Safran in Belgium, specifically the one that he is taking care of the low pressure compressor part of the engine.
    I'm in the development area and I have the chance to handle and check everyday pieces that will be on the next generations commercial aircrafts.
    I'm also respnsible of the fact that all the pieces are taken good care of until they arrive at the mounting area. In case of emergency I also can handle the pieces of our rocket engine area, where Safran build Ariane 5 rocket valves (all of them) since I've been trained, learned to and took care of those pieces now. Since I explained my job without you asking about it, it tells you I love it.

    This is the first time I tell it "in public" but I'm also Asperger, most people will tell you it's in the autistic spectrum, this is why I'm so good at my job (the only thing I think that I brag about), and that's why I'm in a village, in "the wild" and not in a town even if we are in a towny server, I like the human interactions I can have if I want/need to but without the fact I'm gonna walk into a player by turning around the corner of my village.
    Different craft being the survival server with the most people connected and the quickest to found, I settled here and I like most people here, some may have noticed I don't like whiny people and sorry about that (and the excruciating long text you just read).

    See you soon on the server, I'll answer questions if you have some. :)
    User3051 and CrazyDad543 like this.
  2. CrazyDad543

    CrazyDad543 Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Welcome to the server! I'd love to help you out with the villager breeding issue. I have a rather successful villager breeder. I'll walk you through it if you want.
    I don't really talk much online either, except to help out once and awhile. Ill look for you when I'm on.
    Hope you enjoy your time here.
  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Welcome to the server! Border collies are precious, and I love the name! You seem very passionate about your job, and it definitely seems to be an interesting one.
    If you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to contact myself or another member of staff. :)
  4. Naastar

    Naastar New Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Thanks ! Well I know all the hard data (houses counting mechanics) etc but I really don't understand here. And I didn't want (and I think it's against one rule) to make a big villagers farming but yeah maybe just for a bit it would be nice.

    Thanks for him! But neither of us chose it, because I rescued him, he fled away from his previous owners and when I found him and brought it back (he has a chip) they really didn't care about him and told me to keep it and gave me all the necessary papers right away. And yes I know about the staff, there is always "someone around" and I appreciate this fact
    CrazyDad543 likes this.

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