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Potential New Event: Pandemonium (Repost from old website)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by DaemonBeel, Aug 25, 2017.


Do you all like this idea?

  1. Yes, we would like to see this on the server

    9 vote(s)
  2. No, the current events are good enough. We don't need more.

    0 vote(s)
  1. DaemonBeel

    DaemonBeel The Honorable Prime Minister of Rainbow

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Hello, everyone. As you all know I have been brainstorming some ideas to make playing on the server fun. Some new "Events" might be fun.

    This has been an event that I have talked with started theory-crafting with Former Community Manager Fr3bie, and Admin Rose

    Event Title: Pandemonium (A sort of Dark and Evil Vibe)

    Idea: A 100-Level Dungeon "Forged from the excess evil of Daemon mind"

    - Every Level will have a unique challenge to overcome and clearing it lets to advance to the next floor

    - Clearing every 10 Floors to give a super reward depending on how deep you have cleared. (However Super reward is a One-time deal to prevent grinding abuse/ lower tier rewards will be given on repeat clear for every 10 Floors)

    - Dying will reset your progress in this Hyper Dungeon of Daemon's Evil

    - Every 10 Floors has a Boss with unique characteristics

    - Maybe: Custom Music and Voice/Sound Effects

    - Final Boss (Lv 100): gives a super reward but every time you defeat him the dungeon evolves. (All mobs get harder)

    - Difficulty Lv: Can give Phiffan and Payloss trouble beating it. (we all know how OP these 2 guys are)

    - Party/Solo: You can form a team to fight them or even try it by yourself (Of course the difficulty changes depending on Solo/Party)

    - Final Boss rewards: 2Artifact bottles? maybe a Trail? (WIP)

    Makes some suggestion down below too.

    Also, If everyone like this idea for an event, it'll probably convince us to make it a reality.

    Suggestion so far from old website: (rewrote it so others don't have to)
    • Liam: Mythic key would be a cool reward because I have never seen someone open a mythic crate and it would be nice for everyone to have the opportunity to open it.
    • Esako: Love this idea!

      Lots of players have interest in a "mob dungeon" style thing, and this sounds like a fantastic way to bring it back.

      Couple of things I can think of that aren't specifically mentioned above that you could consider:

      Room Types - You kind of hinted with "unique challenges", does this mean there might be puzzle rooms/parkour rooms as well as mob killing?

      Hunter Job - Will the mobs killed pay money for those with hunter job? I personally believe it should as the old mob arena did and hunters struggle to earn that much at the moment.

      Gear - Will there be preset gear loadouts for players to choose, similar to the old arena? Or will players be able to bring their own gear? Another point to add on to this; if they bring their own gear, can they lose it?

      Rewards - My personal opinion is that what you have proposed for rewards is sensible, with good rewards for beating every 10 levels your first time, and common rewards for repeated dungeon runs. Beating the dungeon for your first time could give some sort of unique rewards chest, maybe with a title, and some sort of special items/gear that get upgraded each time you beat the evolved dungeons, then repeated wins would still give good rewards, but not unique ones. As suggested above, mythic keys would be great to fit in here somewhere.

      Really hope your dungeon idea can become a reality!
    • Bananamath: This sounds like a really great and fun idea. As Esako said, what do you mean by unique challenges? I think having puzzles or parkour or something else (also as Esako said) would add to the fun of this event, and make it not feel boring and repetitive. To counteract people having too OP gear, I think it should be preset gear (as Esako said, I'm stealing everything from him/her). I think it would be good to have everyone on an equal playing field, so it's a matter of skill and not gear.
    • Detective Sato: My only concern with this overall event is that only vet players with mega-enchanted/op weapons will stand a chance against the varying tiers of difficulty. Is there a way you intend to create a healthy balance for less-equipped players?

      It's an interesting overall idea, though, and I endorse it on paper. Let's just work on ironing out the practical detail.
    • Drkunit: But yeah the different floors/levels make it sound way more interesting than this Summer event with it being a bit repetitive, really neat idea.
  2. iSato

    iSato Resident Duck

    Aug 25, 2017
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    My concerns were addressed by the OP and other backers on the old forums page.

    Thus, I am endorsing this event.
  3. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Seems very fun! Someone get this to the admins
  4. CoolJoe

    CoolJoe Hydra Leader

    Sep 24, 2017
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    I voted :D

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