DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THESE IDEAS ARE SET IN STONE, NOTHING I SAID IS CONFIRMED. IF YOU HAVE ANY THOUGHTS OR IDEAS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REPLY WITH THEM. DO NOT GO AROUND SPREADING RUMORS ABOUT ANYTHING IN THIS THREAD UNLESS IT IS CONFIRMED BY STAFF. New donator Rank: My idea behind this is to add a new rank called maybe “Legend” or “Saint” something down that line. I would make it $125 or an additional $50 from lord to earn this new rank. My main idea behind this rank is giving it access to creative mode in the regular map. I understand that there is a creative world or something like that but I’m not sure if that’s donators only or not cause I’ve never been there. You could also just make it another addition to Lord. Another thing is you could offer it without any donation rank for say $45 just for the perms? That way people are either just wanting creative or pay $75/$125 and get it all. But with adding creative I feel there would be a need for a map reset, since everybody has a town already. But being honest here most people play towny servers to build and to lead the best town and since I have been playing on this server there is hardly any pvping at all. Not sure if that’s because the lack of people or maybe it’s because the people that would dominate the arena are the people that have protection X gear, sharpness 9, a stack of OP apples and what not. But back to people wanting to lead the best town, the easiest way for people to be able to do that would be to build whatever they would like to. A lot of people look to build awesome creations and show off there work but whenever you have to earn every block and have to build it in survival it makes it difficult for some people to do that. Now some people do like the challenge but most would just like to build in peace not have to worry about fall damage, hunger ( although if they are in town they don’t have to worry about it anyway), running out of a certain block and having a duck ton of chest all over full of their resources. I understand that donator++ and lord have fly, but it’s still not the same thing. You eventually run out of blocks and I’m not sure if they take fall damage or not whenever they take there fly off. Now this would however affect the economy a lot because these blocks wouldn’t be sold that much only to the people without creative but it would also make people to want donate to the server and possibly play a lot more because they can finally just build and not have to worry about making money to buy blocks and what not. It would also help the pvp aspect out a lot too by making people only have to worry about spending money on spawn eggs, spawners, weapons, armour and things like that. So not only would it help benefit the building and towny aspect of the server but also people would want to stay because there is now a pvp aspect to the server. Now obviously there would have to be a plug-in where you can’t get items in survival of the item was placed in creative. Because a lot of people would start abusing it. There would also have a to be a pvp timer like there is for logging out in pvp, but I’m sure this would be simple to set up if it isn’t set up already. Swear filter: My next suggestion has to deal with the swear filter. I think it’s a little obnoxious that people can’t swear? Like I’ve been muted for swearing in my own town chat before which was later confirmed by another mod that I shouldn’t have been muted for that but he was “a new helper” so he didn’t fully understand the rules yet. But staff should be fully trained before they become staff, just like any job. And every staff member has been on the server for a good amount of time so they should know the rules. I’m not insulting any staff members, I’m just speaking how I felt about that whole ordeal. But I don’t see any signs, post on the website or anything referring to the server being PG-13, I understand it Minecraft a lot of younger kids play it but come on. It’s the internet in 2018, you can’t watch one YouTube video or go on Facebook without seeing people swearing up a storm everybody knows these words. Now do I agree with some words not being allowed like “fairies” yes 100%. That’s a racial slur which is a complete different ball game. But I can go around calling people “crackers” which is also a racial slur and no one takes offense to that. I haven’t tried the rest of them on the server nor am I going too because I’m 100% against racism, I just feel like people should be able to say words that come up like “duck” and what not. Spam filter: Another thing that I think should change is the spam filter. This thing is mad annoying, Ill be trying to buy something and say it once and want to say it 5 minutes later and I have to type in town chat to something just to say Emmy original message about what I’m buying again. Instead of having this and having people wait like 4 seconds in between messages I feel that if someone says the same thing or close to it like 4 or more times in a row then they should be kicked and warned instantly by the console. Never the less you have staff on the server for a reason. I get they want to just play and handle other kinds of business like maybe griefing and what not but if they see something it doesn’t take a lot of time to type out a /kick, /warn, or /mute. Especially with the type the word or unscramble the word and you mess it up, you more then likely don’t have a second chance because you have to wait 4 seconds to send a different message in global or town chat, then you have to wait another 4 seconds to spell the word out again. That is just my opinion on that, but I’m sure there is a reason behind it. Keys: I also believe that people should be able to buy uncommon, common, and rare keys. Getting these keys is hard as it is and the rewards are like never worth it. I get diamonds or the enchanted lapis every time which is useless. But I like opening these crates more than treasure keys. The chances of getting a mythic key is incredibly rare you first have to get a rare key from the common or uncommon chest can’t quite remember which one and then you have to get lucky enough to get a mythic crate from the rare crate. I can understand why you wouldn’t sell mythic key crates because there is a chance for 2 artifact bottles and 2 vouchers one for $8 usd and one for $15 usd. But why not sell the other ones? It would earn more money for the server and also give people more crates to open other than just treasure crates and getting the same 3 items.. what the pricing would be for these if you would take this idea or not I couldn’t answer that. Because $18 for 10 treasure key crates is still your best option unless you are trying to get those mythic crates. Most play time: I would also like to ask if we can get the amount of time played on the new website? I have the old website favorites so I don’t lose it just so I can see the play time each month. I also feel that the vouchers for most play time shouldn’t be a thing anymore because people log on until they get logged out and then log back on and keep doing that one after time again. I feel like there should be a monthly vote for creations and offer a $20 voucher to that person that way you are saving money and still offer a nice voucher that encourages people to build and want to go in Depth with their build. Guardian farms: Lastly I would like to address the matter with guardian farms. I myself do not have one nor do I understand how they work but I see it being discussed all the time I don’t really have the facts about it but it’s making many people upset. If someone would like to show me their farm and describe to me what’s going on I’d be more then happy to learn about it and talk more about this issue. Or if someone would like to discuss the issue in reply’s, be my guest. Thank you all for taking your time to read this, and I can’t wait to read the feedback each and everyone of you have to reply with. I’m online a lot if you would like to talk to me about something in game and I check the forums daily! Once again thank you!
(to creative mode in the regular map. I understand that there is a creative world or something like that but I’m not sure if that’s ) That wouldnt make it a survival server wouldnt it ? and no there is no creative world
Technically its still a survival server, the only way it wouldnt be a “survival server” is if you couldnt switch back and forth from survival and creative. About the creative world i didnt know if there was one or not hence why i said I wasn’t sure cause I’ve never been there only heard about it. But now it’s confirmed that there isn’t one, thank you.
There was a creative world over a year ago for a build contest (still waiting for that mob dungeon). I'm against the server getting a Creative toggle, even though it's pretty close to being one anyways for some of the top players. Better idea would to just implement a better AdminShop/Mall that has actually been updated to current patch and contains all the blocks/items, so you don't always have to rely on other players or scouring the miningworld for specific biomes, but like the current mall, costs a few extra $ to get those blocks. As for new Donator shop/store items, they should fix the problems on the server before asking for more money, otherwise nothing will ever get fixed, and broken plugins will just get replaced with underdeveloped ones which are just going to break later on. Chat filters, they do what they 'should'. Yes, it's hard to claim it's a PG-13 server with constant contradictions ie; Alcohol plugin (19+ in most countries), Marriage plugin (17+), Lottery plugins (18+)