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The most smelly introduction you'll ever read. *sniff* -MCJoeri

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by MCJoeri, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. MCJoeri

    MCJoeri Co-Mayor Nightfall. 3+ Year Veteran.

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hi there,
    I'm the third nostrol of Rose and I'd be very pleased to introduce my smelly abilities and my story.

    I live in the mouth of Rose and I have way better-smelling functions than the other two.
    Those two think they are so much better because they are on the front of the face and I'm all alone in the mouth of Rose. They think they look better! I can't smell... I mean stand them!! If they ever somehow get too close then I'll give them the sniff of death! Looks is not what it all is these days. Talent gets you further in life.
    Here, I'll give you some examples..

    1. I've had the food really close to me. I know how good food smells. Those other two have absolutely no idea. Does it look like they have had full-grown carrots inside of them? Hm? No, Exactly. 1 point for me.
    2. I'm also a really good anti-virus-system-away-blower-system-thing-3000-system. I'm a fully upgraded nostrol. Yeah that's right. I've got it all in house.. I mean in the nose. I blow away those viruses and protect Rose from getting ill. another point for the team.. I mean nose. I don't have a team :(
    3. You may not know this one. I can give some better spice to the food Rose eats. Whenever Rose thinks she's eating something extremely gross, then I can just spit some of my special things. I don't really have a clue what it is. I just make this green stuff for some reason, but it sure has an interesting taste to it. Why don't you add that too the final score of todays-best-nostrol.

    As you can see. I'm clearly way better than those other useless things on the front. Yeah, they are pretty
    jealous of me, But they don't admit.
    But don't look into me. It's really rude if you do that.

    That's actually it. Don't question my existence.

    -third nostrol sniffing out. *sniff*

    So how did this happen?
    In my base. I built Rose's Face.
    The blocks used to create that had redstoneblocks in it. So the piston door used to open the mouth . had to be built in a very weird way in order to work. Sadly I had to have this weird block and a hole in the hallway behind the piston machine so that it could work. I had to think of an excuse why it's there. A hole in the mouth. A nostrol. Here you go.

    Now everyone thinks im wierd >.<

    (tried to upload screenshots. not rly working out hehe)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
  2. Rapid

    Rapid YT - Rapid Road To 1k

    Oct 23, 2017
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    very imaginative
    MCJoeri likes this.

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