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TheRedSquire's Discord Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Appeal Your Punishments Here' started by Templarofthewest, Jun 17, 2023.

  1. Templarofthewest

    Templarofthewest New Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    IGN - TheRedSquire / TheRedSquire04

    Reason for Discord Ban - Repeatedly posting offensive memes despite multiple warnings, homophobia, transphobia, general a-hole behavior.

    Banned by - XMafia

    Reason to Accept Appeal - Since the years since my ban, as well as my time away from the server, I believe that I have grown as a person. I am aware how easy it is for anyone to just say this, and I am also aware of how many people in the past have claimed as such only to continue breaking rules. Over the years as I became an adult I learned, “Time and a place,” as well as reading a room before saying something that could hurt or offend others. I know it is of little relevance, but I have my girlfriend to thank for this. Over 2 years of being with her I learned to care and think more about what I say, virtually or otherwise. I learned to care about the people around me, even the ones I don’t know. I made poor taste remarks as a “joke” towards people I was around, and it was obvious some of them were hurt. To my surprise, I felt hurt as well. I saw the looks on their faces and I immediately felt sick, and apologized. Since then, I’ve worked on myself trying and (I believe) succeeding in making myself a better and accepting person. The homophobic and transphobic “ideals” that I held when I was younger are no longer part of me. I know just typing/saying that is not enough, as I had much unwarranted hate towards the LGBT community during the time I spent on the server. Being more exposed to said community, I found out that all the hate I had from brainwashing news channels was wrong. I realized that what I was “taught” was false. The trans, gay, and non binary people I met were just that, people. After some time, they became my friends, and to this day, I consider them my best friends, and thinking about who I was from 12-15 makes me feel disgusted. The only “evidence” I can give is my word, which I know will never be enough. Simply saying that I’ve grown is not giving evidence that I am a better person, nor would I blame anyone for not accepting my appeal, I wouldn’t if I was in their position. I wasn’t that great of a person, I’m sure many people on the server would agree. I only hope I can rejoin the community that made me feel so happy and welcomed, and that I can return the favor instead of sucking out the joy and warmth the server gave to others.

    Additional comments - I also apologize to Xmafia. I know we didn’t have that great of a relationship, and since I’m sure you're reading this appeal, I apologize directly to you. I know you don’t like me one bit, but I want you to know I don’t hold any grudges to you. When I was banned from the server for 3 months, and permanently from discord, I will admit I was extremely upset. I had blamed everyone else for being “sensitive” or “snowflakes” being too ignorant to realize I was the problem. Since then, I’ve done my best to fix myself, stay away from people that are like I was, and be more open minded and less conservative.

    If my appeal is not accepted, I won’t be upset. I won’t try again, as I am aware that I deserved the ban. Even if I am given another chance, I unfortunately won’t be able to use it, as I leave for basic training in 9 days. I write this appeal (sorry if it’s too long) to hopefully have a place in the differentcraft community again. If not, no hard feelings, thank you for the memories, and goodbye.

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