Hello, my name is Andrea, but most of you know me as Drea. I'm currently a moderator and my in game name is DreaLitAF. My two previous names were Dreadeere and QueenDrea_ I registered on DifferentCraft June of 2015, you can't see this with /res as its registered under my other account. Many people believe i'm a relatively new staff member but I first became a moderator sometime around January of 2016, since then I have been on and off of the staff team. I currently am the mayor of the town Infinity and own the Andromeda nation. When I teleport to the PVP arena, everyone happens to leave. ): IRL DREA: I'm currently twenty-five years old and live in a small town somewhere in the corn fields of northeast Ohio. I have a three year old daughter and currently expecting a son in December. I had a short career in the United States Army, stationed at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. Sadly I was medically discharged early due to developing osteoarthritis in both of my knees. I currently work as a Home Health Aide for the elderly. That's pretty much it. kthanks
Since I'm pretty new player on this server I always saw you and know how present on the server you are. Thank you for the help you bring for the people on the server aswell as the elderly IRL and good luck/congratulations for the last months of pregnancy you have