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Spawners [Repost]

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Aflakk, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Reposting this from the General Support forum since it has sat there for nearly 3 weeks without so much as a response.

    I took my villager spawner out of my e-chest today to place it down and try to get some new Librarian villagers with the new Trident enchants. Once I placed it though, the spawner defaulted to a Pig Spawner. I have screenshots of the spawner being a villager one in my inventory, but the chat message that appears when you mouseover/select a spawner on your action bar, it says the Monster Spawner is 'Type: --". This occurred on September 26th around 7:15 am EST (12:15 in UK) if you need to look into this so I can get the spawner changed back (I'll leave the "Pig spawner" in my inventory when I log off)

    Edit: All my spawners appear to be like this too, being Type: --. I've moved the ones I'd care about getting fixed into my inventory as well (1 slime, 2 skeleton and 1 blaze)
  2. OmgItsNed

    OmgItsNed Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    Apparently all spawners you place will turn into Pig
  3. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Thought I would shove my nose into this post.

    If I recall correctly this has been fixed me and Jordan tested it when the server updated to 1.13
  4. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    All my spawners that were already placed stayed as they were (ones in my grinders), all the broken ones were in either chests or my enderchest. I have nearly 20 that come up with a blank spawner type. The villager spawner was the only one I had placed and it defaulted to a Pig Spawner on doing so. If I silk new ones they retain the mob type, but this does nothing for the problem because the blank Type ones will turn into Pig spawners when I place them

    Just scrolled through some on my action bars to show.
    The single in slot 5 is a Cave Spider which I silked after the update, shows up as Type: Cave Spider. The 4x stack in slot 7 wete also Cave Spider (blank Type), 5x stack in slot 8 were Spider (blank Type) and the 5x stack in slot 9 were Zombie (blank Type)
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2018
  5. James

    James Active Member

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Could you send me a message on discord when you're next on? I'd be more than happy to replace them for you. This was resolved quite a while back.
    Kee likes this.

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